Re: w-glide

From: Torsten
Message: 67687
Date: 2011-06-04

> > Also, why does <vienas> "one" have <v->? Is it the same reason
> > Russian <vosem'> "eight" has <v->? (Which, I assume, is due to
> > the development of an original [w]-glide before the /o/ in initial
> > position, analogous to the development of /v-/< *[w-] in initial
> > *u: becoming <vy-> as in <vydra> "otter").
> >
> > Andrew
> Rick Derksen
> Etymological Dictionary
> of the Slavic Inherited Lexicon
> '*o,dìti v. (c) 'smoke'
> W Cz. uditi; Pl. wędzić
> S
> Sln. vodíti, 1sg. vodím;
> odíti 'smoke', 1sg. odím
> PIE *(s)uondh-
> Cogn.
> OHG swintan 'fade, pine away, wither';
> OE swindan 'subside, fade'
> See also: *svędno,ti; *uvędati; *vędno,ti

*svędno,ti v. 'wither'
CS OCS prisvęno,ti (Zogr., Mar.) 'wither'
W OCz. svadnúti' wither'
PIE *(s)u(e)ndh-
OHG swintan 'fade, pine away, wither';
OE swindan 'subside, fade'
See also: *o,diti; *uvędati; *vędnoti

*uvędati v. 'fade, wither'
CS OCS neuvędajo,štiimъ (Supr.) Isg. m. ptc. pres. act. 'unfading'
E Ru. uvjadát’‘fade, wither'
W Cz. uvadati 'fade, wither'
See -> *svędno,ti.

*v`ędno,ti v. (a) 'fade, wither'
E Ru. vjánut'
W Cz. vadnouti; Slk. vädnúť; Pl. więdnąć
SCr. v`ènuti;
Čak. v`ènuti (Vrg.), 2sg. v`èneš; v`ènut (Hvar), 1sg. v`ènen;
Sln. vę´niti

See -> *svędno,ti.

Danish ose "emit smoke (from oxygen-deprived combustion)"
Latin oleō/odor "smell"


One way to construe a possible semantic connection between Danish 'ose' and English 'ooze' would be to imagine it as belonging originally to the profession of charcoal and tar makers (Danish kul-svier, < svider)
ie. burning oxygen-deprived, with thick smoke and tar oozing from the kiln.
This again would make it possible to connect the root with boat-building.

Møller, VISW
'1 sw-d- 'schwelen' (< voridg. z-w-D.-, trans. zawáD.-)
mit n-Infix in
abulg. prī-svęno,tī 'καυματίζεσθαι',
poln. swąd 'Brandgeruch',
: idg. sw-t- (< voridg. z-w-d-),
ahd. swethan, swedan (3. Sing. swidit) 'verhalten langsam und dampfend brennen',
ags. swaðul 'Rauchqualm',
mhd. swadem 'Dunst, vapor',
intr. idg. s-wt- 'sieden', = semit. z-w-d-, s. s-wt-.

Idg. sw-d- : sw-t-, sw-t- ist Erweiterung von
s-w- (< voridg. *z-w-),
avest. hu-, Iterativ hāvajeiti 'schmort';
+ l-
ags. swelan 'schwelen, langsam brennen',
ahd. swilizōn dass.,
ags. swÅ":lan 'brennen'. SI. 138. 253.

s-wt- intr. 'sieden' (< voridg. z-w- + d-, intr. záwad-, s. 1 sw-d-), ahd. siodan
ags. sÄ"oðan
an. sjōða 'sieden',
urspr. trans. sw-t- [: sw-d-] (s. 1 sw-d-),

= semit. z-w-d- 'sieden, kochen, aufwallen, überwallen',
hebr. Perf. zāδ (dieses in übertragenem Sinne gebraucht),
Hiph. hÄ"zīδ 'kochen, durch Kochen bereiten',
nāzīδ 'gekochtes Gericht',
z. B. das Linsengericht (nezīδ 3aδāšīm) Gen. 25.
SI. 253. 137 f. (Vgl. Helv. 266.)'

Interesting. Who's the donor here?'

Another (w)a-/(w)o:- pair:

> *ò,glь m. i (a) 'coal'
> CS OCS o,glь (Ps. Sin., Supr.) m.(i)
> E Ru. úgol’ m.(jo), Gsg. úglja, Gsg. ugljá
> W Cz. uhel m.(jo); Slk. uhoľ m.(jo); Pl. węgiel m.(jo)
> S
> SCr. `ùgalj m.(jo), Gsg. `ùglja;
> `ùglje:n m.(o), Gsg. `ùgljena;
> Čak. `ùgļen (Vrg.) m.(o), Gsg. `ùgļena;
> Sln. ô,gəł m.(o), Gsg. ô,gla;
> vô,gəł m.(o), Gsg. vô,gla
> BSl. *on?glis
> B
> Lith. angls f.(i) 4; ánglis m.(io) 1; añglis m.(io) 2;
> Latv. ùogle f.(e:)
> PIE *h1ongw-l-
> Cogn.
> Skt. án.gāra- (RV+) m. 'coal' (with a suffix *-ŏ:l-)
> Probably a hysterodynamic l-stem.
> See also: *ògņь; *vygъņь; *vygъņa
> *ô,gъlъ m. o (c) 'corner'
> CS OCS o,gъlъ
> E Ru. úgol, Gsg. uglá
> W Cz. úhel; Slk. uhol; Pl. węgieł
> S
> SCr. `ùgal (dial.);
> Sln. ô,gəł, Gsg. ô,gla;
> vô,gəł, Gsg. vô,gla;
> Bulg. ă´găl
> PIE *h2eng-
> Cogn.
> Lat. angulus m. 'corner, angle';
> OIc. ekkja f. 'ankle, heel’;
> Arm. ankiwn 'corner'
> Derivative in *-ъlь of *o,g- < *h2eng-.
> *o,gorь m. jo 'eel'
> E Ru. úgor' ‘eel, blackhead', Gsg. ugrjá
> W
> Cz. úhoř 'eel';
> Slk. úhor m.(o) 'eel';
> uhor m.(o) 'pork tapeworm, blackhead', Gsg. uhra;
> Pl. węgorz 'eel';
> USrb. wuhor 'eel'; LSrb. wugoŕ 'eel'
> S
> SCr. `ùgor m.(o) 'eel';
> Čak. `ùgor (Vrg.) m.(o) 'conger eel', Gsg. `ùgora;
> `ùgōr (Novi) m.(o) 'conger eel', Gsg. `ùgora;
> Sln. ogó,r 'eel', Gsg. ogó,rja
> BSl. *angurio-
> B
> Lith. ungury~s m.(io) 'eel' (with E. Lith. un- < *an-)
> OPr. angurgis m.(io) 'eel'
> PIE *h2engwh-ur-io-
> Cogn.
> Lat. anguilla f. 'eel';
> Fi. ankerias 'eel'
> See also: *ó,žь
> *o,kotь f. i
> CS SerbCS o,kotь 'hook'
> E ORu. ukot’ 'claw, anchor'
> BSl. *h2onk-
> B Lith. ánka (K, WP) f. 1 'snare, noose'
> Cogn.
> Skt. a.nká- (RV+) m. 'hook, clamp';
> Gk. `όγκος m. 'hook';
> Lat. uncus 'hook m.
> The root of this derivative is *h2onk-, cf. Lat. ancus (Paul. ex
> Fest.) m. 'with crooked arms' < *h2enk-. For the meaning of the
> root, cf. Skt. añc- 'bend'.
> *o,sъ m. o (b) 'moustache'
> CS RuCS o,sъ 'moustache, beard'
> E Ru. us 'hair of a moustache, whisker', Npl. usý 'moustache'
> W
> Cz. vous 'beard hair', Npl. vousy 'beard';
> Pl. wąs 'moustache', Npl. wąsy 'moustache'
> S
> Sln. vô,s 'moustache', Npl. vosi 'id.';
> vó,se Npl. f.(ā) 'moustache'
> BSl. *wónsum
> B
> Lith. uõstai (Žem.) Npl. m.(o) 2 'moustache'
> OPr. wanso 'first beard'
> PIE *uondh-s-om
> Cogn.
> OHG wintbrāwa f. 'eye-lash';
> MIr. find m. 'hair'
> *ō,trò n. o (b) 'inside, coe'
> E
> Ru. nutró 'inside, coe';
> Bel. nutró 'inside, coe';
> Ukr. nutró 'inside, coe'
> PIE *h1on-tr-ó-m
> Cogn.
> āntrá- (RV, AV+) n. 'intestine' (with unexplained a);
> Gk. `έvτεpα Npl. n. 'entrails'
> The initial n- originates from vъn- 'in' as a result of reanalysis,
> cf. -> *o,trь.
> *ō,tròba f. ā (a) 'entrails'
> CS OCS o,troba 'entrails'
> E Ru. utróba 'womb, (coll.) belly'
> W
> Cz. útroba 'entrails';
> Slk. útroba 'entrails, womb';
> Pl. wątroba 'entrails'
> S
> SCr. `ùtroba 'intestines, womb';
> Čak. utr`òba (Vrg.) 'intestines';
> utr`òba (Orb.) 'intestines';
> Sln. otróba 'entrails, womb';
> vó,troba (Meg., Dalm.) 'entrails'
> PIE *h1on-tro-
> Cogn.
> Skt.
> āntrá- (RV, AV+) n. 'intestine';
> Gk. `έvτεpα Npl. n. 'entrails'
> Slavic has a suffix *-ba, cf. OCS zъloba 'badness'.
> See also: *jędrò; *jętrò; *ō,trà; o,trь
> *o,trь adv. 'inside, within'
> CS OCS o,trь (Supr.); vъno,trь
> E Ru. vnutr' adv./prep.; vnutrí adv./prep.; ORu. utrь
> W Cz. vnitř; uvnitř; OCz. vňutř; Slk. vnútri; Pl. wewnątrz
> S SCr. unútar; unútra; Sln. nô,tər 'in, inside'; nó,tri 'inside'
> Adverb based on *h1on-tr-, cf. -> *ō,trò.
> *o,ty f. Å« 'duck'
> CS CS o,ty f.(Å«)
> E
> Ru. útka f.(ā); utvá (dial.) f.(ā);
> ORu. uty ?? f.(ū), Gsg. utъve;
> utovь f.(ū);
> Bel. uć f.(i)
> S
> SCr. `ùtva f.(ā);
> Sln. ô,tva f.(ā)
> BSl. *an?t-
> B
> Lith. ántis f.(i) 1
> OPr. antis (EV)
> PIE *h2enh2-t-
> Cogn.
> Skt. ātí- f. 'aquatic bird';
> Lat. anas f. 'duck';
> OHG anut f. 'duck'
> *o,ziti v. 'constrain'
> CS
> RuCS o,ziti 'constrain, torture' (cf. OCS o,zilište n. 'prison')
> E
> Ru. úzit' 'make narrow, straiten', 1sg. úžu, 3sg. úzit;
> ORu. uziti 'constrain, torture'
> S
> SCr. úziti 'make narrow, straiten', 1sg. ûzīm
> PIE *h2omģh-eie-
> For the root, see -> *o,zъkъ.
> *ò,zlъ m. o (a) 'knot'
> CS SerbCS o,zlъ; vo,zlъ
> E Ru. úzel, Gsg. uzlá
> W Cz. uzel; Slk. uzol; Pl. węzeł
> S
> SCr. `ùzao, Gsg. `ùzla;
> Čak. ûzaļ (Vrg.), Gsg. ûzļa;
> ûzal (Novi), Gsg. ûzla;
> wôzalj (Orb.) m.(jo);
> Sln. vózəł, Gsg. vózla;
> ózəł, Gsg. ózla;
> Bulg. vă´zel
> BSl. *on?ź-(ō)l-
> B
> Lith. ą´žuolas 1/3 ‘oak';
> Latv. uôzuõls ‘oak'
> OPr. ansonis ‘oak'
> In his list of laryngealized roots in Slavic, Kortlandt (1975a: 63) groups the above-mentioned Slavic and Baltic together, which since a publication by Zubatý is not uncommon. This etymology is sometimes integrated with the hypothesis that *ò,zlъ is cognate with -> *vęzati. In view of the tone of the root this connection is problematic.
> *o,zъkъ adj. o 'narrow'
> CS OCS o,zъkъ
> E Ru. úzkij; úzok, f. uzká, n. úzko
> W Cz. úzký; Slk. úzky; Pl. wqzki
> S
> SCr. `ùzak, f. `ùska, f. usk`à;
> Čak. `ùsak, f. usk`à, n. `ùsko;
> Sln. ó,zək, f. ó,zka
> BSl. *anź-(u)-
> B Lith. añkštas
> PIE *h2emģh-u-
> Cogn.
> Skt. am.hú-;
> Lat. angustus;
> Go. aggwus
> See also: *o,ziti; *vęzati; *uvęsti
> *ó,žь m. jo (b) 'snake'
> E Ru. už 'snake', Gsg. užá; ORu. užь 'snake'
> W
> Cz. užovka f. 'adder';
> Slk. užovka f. 'adder';
> Pl. węż 'snake', Gsg. węża;
> USrb. wuž 'grass snake';
> LSrb. wuž 'snake, (dial.) maggot'
> S
> Čak. wõš (Orb.) 'kind of black snake', Gsg. wož`à;
> Sln. ó,ž 'grass snake';
> vô,ž 'snake'
> BSl. *angi(o)s
> B
> Lith. angìs f.(i) 4 'snake';
> Latv. uôdze f.(e:) 'adder'
> PIE *h2engwh-i-
> Cogn.
> Lat. anguis m. 'snake';
> OHG unc m. 'snake';
> MIr. escung m. 'eel'
> See also: *o,gъrь
> It seems the w-glide has something to do with an original nasal wovel, and especially Polish is prone to it.
> An odd example:
> German Winkel "corner, angle, place, spot" (Dutch winkel "shop")
> Polish węgiel "corner", cf ô,gъlъ above, cognate with Latin angulus.
> In other words it looks as if High German borrowed this word from a Low German loan of the Polish word.
> Using the same alternate w-glide we can match
> German Anger,
> Danish eng "meadow" with
> Danish vang "field"
> ,
> and the
> with the Igylliones?

> Otherwise, how about making the Igylliones węglarze
> ie.
> makers (why doesn't that profession have a name in English?)?
> Or, cf.
> *výgъņь; *výgъņa m jo; f jā 'forge'
> W
> Cz. výheň f.(i/jā) 'forge, hearth, blazing heat';
> Slk. vyhňa f. (jā) 'forge, hearth';
> USrb. wuheń m.(jo) 'chimney, stove-pipe'
> S
> SCr. v`ìganj m.(jo) 'forge';
> Sln. vígənj m.(jo) 'forge, hearth, sledge-hammer'
> The root *vyg- reflects *un?g < *h1ngw-. Here Winter's law was not
> blocked by a cluster *ngn, nor was the root affected by lowering (->
> ògņь, *ò,glь). There is no reason to assume that the initial *v is
> the preposition 'in', cf. *v`ydra.

Sw. ugn, German Ofen "oven" goes here?

> Perhaps 'the smiths'?


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