Re: Greek tenagos = Skt tadaga ?

From: stlatos
Message: 67666
Date: 2011-06-01

--- In, "stlatos" <stlatos@...> wrote:

> Whatever Indo-Ir l. was the source, it showed voicing alt. k/g and n. > d. , as also seen in:
> khad.gá-m 'iron'
> khad.gá-s 'sword'
> khaNgá-s 'sword'
> t.aNga-s 'sw/spade'
> t.aNka-s\m 'sw/sp/hatchet/hoe'
> all from PIE * kaLd.ó+ \ * kLd.ó+ 'branch/spear/sword' :

> *
> Aq'-RWuÑ'-GWÀ+
> Aq-RuÑ-gÀ+
> Aq-RuÑ-gÀ+ Aq-r.uÑ-gÀ+
> Aq-RuÑ-gÀ+ Aq-Run.-gÀ+ Aq-r.uÑ-gÀ+ Aq-r.un.-gÀ+
> Aq-XuÑ-gÀ+ Aq-Xun.-gÀ+ Aq-r.uÑ-gÀ+ Aq-r.un.-gÀ+
> Aq-XuÑ-gÀ+ Aq-Xun.-gÀ+ At.-r.uÑ-gÀ+ At.-r.un.-gÀ+
> Aq-XuÑ-gÀ+ Aq-Xud.-gÀ+ At.-r.uÑ-gÀ+ At.-r.ud.-gÀ+
> AqH-XuÑ-gÀ+ AqH-Xud.-gÀ+ At.-r.uÑ-gÀ+ At.-r.ud.-gÀ+

The qHX / t.r. is not just needed to explain aspiration, but for those languages that show alt. kx- / ts- (see Witzel for more ex.) :

AqH-Xum-bÀ uqH-XAm-bÀ
qHXum-bÀ qHXAm-bÀ
kxum-bÀ kxAm-bÀ
kxum-bÀ tsum-bÀ kxAm-bÀ tsAm-bÀ


kúmba- = thick end of bone/club
çámba- = iron head of a pestle / Indra's weapon
çambín- = having a pole/oar / rower / boatman S;