Re: Tudrus

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 67164
Date: 2011-02-12

In various places in postings and popular press stuff, I've read about Germanics supposedly residing in Finland before the arrival of the Finns as well as an IE-substrate in Finland before the arrival of the Finns. I've never seen any real lx evidence to prove this --just the idea that Finns are supposedly genetically closer to Scandinavians than to their linguistic congeners. Any truth to this?
It would make sense if Germanic entered W. Europe via Finland from the east and then moved south from southern Scandinavia. That would seem to explain Germanic's links with Baltic and Slavic as well as its later adstratal relationship with Celtic and Celtic-looking names as far north as Denmark.
Tell me Torsten, swear on the hammer of Thor, is there any viability to this idea or is it DOA?