Pre-Greek or Para-Greek
From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 67146
Date: 2011-01-24
How to explain the doublets
rhamphos "beak" / rhygkhos "nose"?
konnos "bearded chin, beard" / genys "chin"
pythmen "bootom" / pyndax "deep" (crf. pyrgos "tower" < *bHrgH-)
Words like pyndax and pyrgos show similar developments for sound aspirate+sound
aspirate > sound + sound aspirate > soundless + sound occlusive. A Para-Greek IE
*bH.rg^H- > *burG- > *pyrg-o-
The pai <Rhamphos-> : <rhygkhos-> could see as *HramgWHos- : *HrungHos-, maybe
similar to lampas "light, lamp" : lygx "lynx".
JS Lopes
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