Re: Jordanes

From: Alexandru Moeller
Message: 66858
Date: 2010-11-07

Am 07.11.2010 12:17, schrieb Torsten:
- CIL 6, 2408. I 8: Ant. Diurdanus; 6, 3451: Aur.
> Diurdanus.'
> I propose Diurdanus = Jordanes (perhaps he or whoever chose that
> particular form for its Biblical connotations). That would mean that his
> name was Thracian/Dacian/Getic(?), and that that ways his ethnic
> background. That might explain why he wanted to get the Getae into a
> story of the Goths.
> BTW, AFAIK, secretary was not a job for a free man. Jordanes might have
> been a freedman.

how his ethnic background was getic when his descendende/liniage on his
father side is Gothic?
(the names he evoques as father and grand-father are Germanic, not Dacian.)
As for the name Jordanes, maybe he took a christian name which was
appropiate to the Dacian *Durdanus, this appears to be workable
hypothesis but why should have a Goth a Dacian name ?

-it can be that even the well known "Dardanus" is too a reflex of
Durdanes and shouldn't be treated separately off this group of names.
