
From: yiannis lanbrinakos
Message: 66627
Date: 2010-09-20

Dear members,
All these derive from the IE cluster sp-or sph- or sv-, meaning spreading.In Greek this manifests in words like sponge, sphere, etc.
Dr. Lambrinakos

From: patrick cuadrado <dicoceltique@...>
To: cybalist@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, September 20, 2010 1:13:59 PM
Subject: Re: Res: [tied] fungus = mushroom



So may be connexion between

French SPHAIGNE = Latin/Greek SPHAGNUM/SPHAGNOS = moss


FUNGUS/SPONGOS = mushroom = French mousseron

and other cognates IE

mushroom :

Georgian : Sok-o

Armenian: Sunk/Sung

Old Slave : Gomba from old (s)ghombos ?

English Spunk from Irish Sponnc (?) : Touchwood and courage

But Middle Irish Spongc = Tussilago

Outside IE

Magayar : Bolong Gomba (may be from Slave)

Mordve : Pango

Khanti : Panx

Samoyède : Punka

Ket : Hango

Tchoutchke : Pon/Ponmpo

mon blog/mes oeuvres ici
Arthur Unbeau

--- En date de : Lun 20.9.10, Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...> a écrit :

De: Rick McCallister <gabaroo6958@...>
Objet: Re: Res: [tied] fungus = mushroom
À: cybalist@yahoogroups.com
Date: Lundi 20 septembre 2010, 3h48


From: Joao S. Lopes <josimo70@...>
To: cybalist@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Sun, September 19, 2010 9:45:38 PM
Subject: Res: [tied] fungus = mushroom

Can we add English spunk, punk, to this set?

JS Lopes

and I was wondering where sphagnum (moss) is from

De: patrick <dicoceltique@...>
Para: cybalist@yahoogroups.com
Enviadas: Domingo, 19 de Setembro de 2010 19:05:55
Assunto: [tied] fungus = mushroom

does exist any connexion between the (Pre-)-Latin Fungus (unknow origin) and Old Greek Spo(n)gos(unknow origin) = mushroom
what are the links with another IE languages ?
all languages are come from them (Latin/Greek)
