RE: [tied] Alakšanduš and Alexandros - borrowing?

From: G&P
Message: 66248
Date: 2010-06-30

> I've been wondering if Hittite <alakšanduš> is a loanword from Greek <aleksandros> (rather than an independent Anatolian formation). Since the Greek word appears to have a transparent etymology,

The logic might just as easily be the other way round.  It is quite common for a foreign word or name or phrase, which of course has no transparent meaning in a different language, to be borrowed in a form that does produce meaning in the new language.  I think my favourite example is “break a leg”, the wish that actors say to each other.  It is (allegedly) based on a Yiddish phrase that means “good luck”.  So we can’t use the etymological transparency of Alexander to prove anything.
