Res: Res: [tied] Re: (was Latin Honor < ?) Bestia

From: Torsten
Message: 66013
Date: 2010-03-21

--- In, "Joao S. Lopes" <josimo70@...> wrote:
> venus > venustus
> vetus > vetustus
> honor > honestus
> fu:nus > fu:nestus
> intus* > *intestus > intestinus
> favor > *fauestos > faustus
> nemus > nemestrinus
> scelus > scelestus
> modus > modestus
> cruor > crusta
> robur > rubustus
> ru:s > ru:sticus
> *augos > augustus (cf. ojas)
> *angos > angustus
> *lo:cos ? > locusta (cf. lacerta? <*lacus, *laceris)
> It's curious the looping derivation:
> subst. modus > adj. modestus > subst. modestia
> subst. honor > adj. honestus > subst. honestitas
> and if you have a sense of humor, you can add langosta and mangosta --I'm guessing they're the same in Portuguese as in Spanish


> langosta must be in Portuguese <lagosta> "lobster"
> mangosta must be <mangusto> "mongoose" or <mangosta~o / mangostão
> a kind of Asian fruit

I looked at the word and went bananas again.
Now suppose there once was a word
*LaN- (L = voiceless l, becoming (s)tl-, t-, l-) meaning
1) "saltwater-logged hole dug in the beach used for keeping fish alive;
2) "such a hole used to salt and dry fish (brine pit);
3) "its contents"

then you could derive from it (using the
*aN -> -a:-/-ab-/-amb-/-ag-/-ank-/-u:-/-ub-/-umb-/-ug-/-unk- etc rule)

Gmc *leg- "lay" (cf. German 'einlegen' "pickle"), and
IE *dhe(gh)- and Uralic teke- "put down"
Latin stlocus -> locus "place"
Latin *stla:t- (stlatt-) -> la:tus "spread out"
Latin lacus "lake"
Latin lucus ("hole" ->) -> "clearing" -> "grove"
Latin lanx "scalepan of scales" (cf bi-lanx and balance)
Latin longus (as "laid down", cf Engl. log, ON lag)
Latin *stlei-t- -> *li:-t-
"débat juridique dans lequel chacune des deux parties produit ses témoins devant le juge" (ie. lay down their argument)
(the contents!)
Latin lau-, lou- "wash", lu:tum "clay"
'langueo:, -e:s, -ui: (lanxi: tardif), -e:re:
languir, être alangui, affaissé,
- Ancien (Lucil.), usuel, classique. M.L.4889.
Formes nominales et dérivés:
languor: langueur (depuis Pl., class.), M.L.4891;
languidus: languissant, M.L.4890;
languidulus; langue:do:, languitās; langue:tu:do:;
langue:sco:, -is: s'alanguir;
langue:facio: (Cic, Leg.2,15,38, incitare languetes et languefacere excitatos);
languificus (Quint. Cic.);
e:langueo:, e:langue:sco:, e:languidus: formes renforcées à l'aide du préverbe e:- qui appartiennent à la latinité impériale.
- Les formes romanes de caractère "populaire" sont rares (roumain, macéd., logoud. ).
La racine est sans doute la même que celle de laxus (v.ce mot). Le grec en a, semble-t-il, des formes à infixe nasal expressif dans des dérivés:
lággo:n "traînard",
laggázo: "je me relâche, je me détache", peut-être
laggeúei: pheúgei Hes.
Outre laggeúei, il y a un élargissement -u- dans
v.isl. slokkua "s'éteindre".
Groupe de type populaire.'
"throw water on"
laqueus "noose, trap"
Uralic lampe "puddle, pond, swamp"
Lat. Ligus "Ligurian", ligusticum, ligustinus
Engl. tank etc.
but cf. Latin stagnum "pond"
Da. dunk "can, container"
and of course all the *duN- "put into water" (dump, dunk, dip etc) words, plus my earlier *LuN- "all of it" etc etc word
wouldn't be incompatible with it, to wit

In other words, a locust or langouste lives in your own brine lacus.


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