Res: Res: [tied] Re: Latin Honor < ?

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 65973
Date: 2010-03-13

Maybe *wenh1-us is originally an adjective, like *h2es-us "dry", *peh2-us (cf., Pa:n), later expanded to *venus-tu-, similar to *wet-us > vetustus. Usually s-names were substantive nouns (*g^enh1os, *nebHos, *nemos, *selos, etc), adjectives like Latin vetus were exceptions. So, I'd guess *seg^Hos "victory", seg^Hus- "victorious, victor, winning"

An Alexander Lubotsky's article about *sausos "dry" shows a paradigm *CeC-us- (nom.), CC-us-os (gen.), CC-wes-m (acc.)

*h2esus : *h2susos : *h2swesM
*peh2us : *ph2usos : ph2wesM
*seg^Hus : zg^Husos : zg^HwesM
*wenh1us : wNh1usos : wNh1wesM
*wetus : utusos : utwesM

Joao Lopes

De: dgkilday57 <dgkilday57@...>
Enviadas: Sábado, 13 de Março de 2010 15:09:53
Assunto: Res: [tied] Re: Latin Honor < ?


--- In cybalist@..., Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> On 2010-03-13 00:47, Joao S. Lopes wrote:
> >
> >
> > Probably by analogy to -us of Nominative.
> >
> > *wenos gen *wenesos, adj. *wenestos, *wenesnos cf. greek erebos,
> > erebeinos (<*h1regWes- no)
> As a matter of fact, Jens Rasmussen speculates that *-esto- itself is
> analogical as well, and that the original adjectival derivatives of
> es-stem nouns ended in *-eto- (parallelling *s ~ *t alternations found
> elsewhere). Cf. Skt. namas- 'homage' vs. Gaul. nemeton 'holy place'
> (*nem-es-, adj. nem-et-o-). If so, an older PIE *wenh1-et-o- was
> replaced by "dialectal" *wenh1-es-to- (because of *wenh1-es-), and of
> course in the immediate ancestor of Latin *wenesto- was influenced by
> the vocalism of *wenos, yielding *wenosto-.

If memory serves, the Gaulish word is <neme:ton>, since it (or a compound) is known from a text in the Greek alphabet. The suffix is thus identical to the Latin collective <-e:tum>, and should not be used for speculation of this sort. Since Celtic replaced *nebH- with *nem- (by tabuistic substitution? ), it is not clear which root belongs to <neme:ton> anyway.

Regarding the Latin confusion of stems, we have some /us/-stem neuters as well as the more common /es/-stems. Pokorny regards OHG <Sigur-ma:r> as reflecting a neuter *seg^H-us- parallel to the more common *seg^H-es-. Perhaps Lat. <venus>, <venustus> reflect an original nt. *wenh1-us-, with the gen. <veneris> analogical after regular /es/-stems with /os/ in the nom./acc. sg., like <genus>, <generis>.

I regard <honor> as reflecting an OL nt. *henos, *henesis, from IE *g^Hen-es-; more in a few days.


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