Re: Costoboci

From: george knysh
Message: 65278
Date: 2009-10-23

--- On Fri, 10/23/09, alexandru_mg3 <alexandru_mg3@...> wrote:

> 1. Costoboci was a Dacian Tribe not a Sarmatian one...

****GK: Their location in Pliny's NH. 6.19 hardly proves this, and Pliny identifies the original Costoboci (his source was likely Posidonius, though this is not entirely certain) as Sarmatians. The name "Costoboci" was subsequently applied to an alliance of many ethna northeast of the Carpathians. I've summarizeed the data in the original post.****

> 2. Pieporus phonetic shows 'the famous' e/accented > ye trasnformation presents in Dacian, Romanian and Albanian....

****GK: No one denies that a Dacian group was part of the Costobocan complex. The Lypytsia culture was undoubtedly Dacian. Pieporus and co. almost certainly came from them. But the Lypytsia culture was only a part (and not the major part) of the Costobocan area.*****

==And the Ptolemy evidence merely confirms that Dacians resided in the Costobocan area. Which no one denies. But the original name was that of a Sarmatian tribe, which must have been dominant at the inception of the complex.*****