Re: hound

From: Torsten
Message: 65224
Date: 2009-10-13

> If my view on *hunDa- is to be maintained, it seems necessary to
> postulate 'incite into motion' vel sim. as the original sense of
> *k^ent-. To our knowledge, the domestication of dogs for use in
> hunting preceded the breeding of domestic cattle. Then *k^n.tó-
> 'facilitator of incitation (of game), hunting dog, hound' could
> belong to this earlier stage, and might well be the earliest
> Indo-European word for 'domestic dog', preserved in Germanic as
> *hunDa-, but replaced elsewhere by a derivative of *pék^u-
> 'livestock'. Stockbreeders required dogs of a different
> temperament, who could keep herds together without inciting them
> into a stampede. For inciting individual animals to move, pointed
> goads were necessary. Such derivatives of *k^ent- as Greek
> <kéntron> and <kontós>, and Latvian <si:ts>, could originally have
> referred to goads (and the shafts upon which they were mounted) for
> prodding cattle, and belong to this later stage. These derivatives
> would have acted back on the sense of the primary verb, giving the
> specialization 'incite by pricking, prick, goad'. In Gothic I
> suspect that the simplex <-hinþan> in a military context meant
> something like 'to incite with a spear', either by actual poking or
> by threatening to do so, as armed men herding prisoners. As in the
> other examples, <frahinþan> would then indicate the motion going to
> completion, 'to incite into confinement, take captive at spear-
> point'. And of course the etymological connection with <hunds>
> would no longer be felt by Gothic-speakers, having been forgotten
> long ago.

Perhaps we shouldn't search for the derivation process within IE.
Here are some glosses for your enjoyment:

Uralisches Etymologisches Wörterbuch:
'kunta 1 'Geschlecht, Sippe, Gemeinschaft' FU, ? U
kunta 2 'wildes Rentier' FU, ? U
N go,d´de -dd- 'wild reindeer',
L kådde:,
K (246) T ko,nte, Kld. ko,nt,
Not. koa,dd 'wild; wildes Rentier',
N go,ddudâs -ss- -s- ~ go,ddâs 'four-year-old male reindeer'
(> finn. kuntus, kunteus 'drei- od. vierjähriges Rentier') |

wog. (WV 118) TJ konka: KU xonG&, P kunn& 'Rentier' ||

jen. Ch. kêre?, hêre?, B kede 'wildes Rentier',
(Mikola: NyK 66: 39) kezæ?;
kam. (Castr. Mskr., mitg. Toiv.: FUF 21: 128) kouna].

Vgl. alt.: mong. qanda-Gai 'elk, sort of moose', tung kandaga 'losI'.

Wog. ka: und G& sind Ableitungssuffixe (vgl. TJ pæska-, KU pasG&, P pass& 'Fausthandschuh' ~ ostj. V pas), aus der vorangehenden Konsonantenverbindung *nt (*kuntkta) ist t geschwunden. Sam. jen. ? ist ebenfalls ein Ableitungssuffix.

Der Vokal der ersten Silbe im Jen. ist eine unregelmäßige Entsprechung der Vokale im Lapp. und Wog.

Möglicherweise ist es ein eurasisches Wanderwort.

VglWb. 81; O. Donner: Suomi 1882:286, MSFOu. 71:84; Halász: NyK 23:30), Gombocz: NyK 32: 190; Äimä: JSFOu. 30/30a: 72; Kalima: MSFOu. 44: 50, 127; Beitr.90; Toivonen: FUF21: 128; UJb. 17: 187,SitzFAk. 1949: 171; Vasmer, REtWb, 2 ; 617; FUV; E. Itkonen: UAJb. 18: 60; SKES; Räsänen: STEP 1963 : 187; Mikola: NyK 66:39.

kunta- 3 'fangen; (eine Beute) finden' FU, ? U

Vergleichendes Wörterbuch der Jenissei-Sprachen:
'4kan, II (n, Pl. kan,en) 'Weg des großen Winternomadisierens';
mket., nket. 4ka:n,&, Pl. kán,en;
jug. 4kah:n,, Pl. kan,ïn ds.;
[] PJ *ka?&n,&; PJ (S) *ka:n,- (~g-) ds.
kán,tan, 'großer Jagdzug'
(Winternomadisieren, dauerte vom November-Dezember bis zum April-Mai)
< sket. 4kan, 'Winterjagdweg', 'Winterwanderungsweg'
+ 4tan, 'schleppen', 'ziehen' (Schleppe', 'Polarschlitten');
'sie machen sich auf den Weg des Winternomadisierens',
Prät. tkán,tan,ól´betin (8.1)
2ko?p (f, Pl. 3ko:n)
1) 'Erdeichhörnchen',
jug. 2ko?p, Pl. kófïn; imb. (M) ko:p, eed-s^es^ (Mes) koóp / koop (Kl) ds.;
[] PJ (S) *ko?p (~g-, -o-);
2) ...
3ko:nno 'Erdeichhörnchen jagen' < 3ko:n 'Erdeichhörnchen' + 3qo: 'töten', 'erbeuten':
sket. t3ko:nnoavet 'ich jage Erdeichhörnchen',
Prät. t3ko:nno Gól´bet [] (8.1);
jug. kófïnnou ds.: dikófinnouáget´ 'ich jage Erdeichhörnchen',
Prät. dikófinnou4o:rget´ [kófïnnou...get´] (8.1)
4ku:n´e; jug. 4kuh:n, Pl. kúnïn/kunïn,;
imb. (M, W) kuúne/kuun´a (Kl),
ost. (M) kuún´a,
pump. (W) kun, eed-s^es^ (Mes) ku:n ds.;
[] PJ *ku?ono:
PJ (S) *ku:n´ (~g-) 'Vielfraß'; B 1957 vgl. mit kar., sag. quna ds.;
C^ís 1976 vgl. mit
s^or. kunu, chak. xunu, bas^k. kono ds., udm. kon´i 'Eichhörnchen',
russ. kunitsa < finno-ugrischen Sprachen (?)


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