Re: That old Odin scenario ...

From: george knysh
Message: 64231
Date: 2009-06-23

Forgetting that hopeless (whether old or new) Odin scenario, and just concentrating on "Nemetes" as a possible source of the Slavic "Nemtsi/Nimtsi".
--- On Mon, 6/22/09, tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

--- In cybalist@..., "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@ ...> wrote:
> --- In cybalist@..., george knysh <gknysh@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > --- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@ > wrote:
> >
> > >
> > > BTW
> > > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Nemetes
> > > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Niemcza
> > >
> > > That would make sense if the Nemetes had come all the way from
> > > Przeworsk-land with Ariovistus. The question is then: how close
> > > would the Slavs have to have been at the time A. left with them
> > > for that to be their designation for Germanic?

****GK: A direct derivation of the Slavic term from the Caesar time "Nemetes" hardly seems possible. Whether it could have come to them from a Venetic/Venedic expression for "Germans" (or "western neighbours") might be worth investigating. Perhaps there is an analogy to the Germanic "Wends" for Slavs, or "Vlachs" for Romanians etc. (to Slavic via Gothic). If one assumes that the Lusatian culture and offshoots were basically Venetic/Venedic, and did with "Nemetes" what the early Germanics did with the Celtic "Volcae", then the transmission might have taken place within the Zarubinian culture period (Zarubinians being Tacitus' migrant "Venedi" and prime contributors to historical Slavic ethnogenesis.****

> It's possible to argue for 'nemeton' being of originally Venetic,
> not Celtic origin, cf the geographical spread:
> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Nemeton
> http://www.roman- nemeton.htm
> and perhaps
> http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Nantes
> (the site of Caesar's Gallic Veneti)
> The -et- ethnonym suffix would place the name with the *-iþi names
> http://tinyurl. com/5udkqz

Håndbog i danske stednavne

36. Niløse s. Merløse h. *1231 Niløsworæ, c. 1370 Nyløsæ. Forleddet er mul. adj. ny. Hald Um p. 86.

102. Nimtofte s. Djurs Nørre h. 1426 Nimtoft.
Mul. adj. ny + he:m (Hald Um p. 86 i forbindelse med Nim, jfr. DS XII, 214). Vokalen y er afrundet til i på grund af stillingen foran m.
[Poss adj ny "new" + he:m "home" (Hald Um p. 86 in conn. w. Nim, cf. DS XII, 214). The vowel y is unrounded to i because of the position before m.

107. Nim s. og h. *1231 Nymheret. Se reg. E: 69.
Har været tolket af adj. ny, hvilket betvivles af Hald Um p. 86. Han ser i forleddet et glda. *ni: af uvis opr. som findes fx i Niløse.
[Has been interpreted as from adj. ny "new" which is doubted by Hald Um p.86. He sees in the first element an ODa. *ni: of uncertain origin which eg. is found in Niløse.]Se reg. A: LØSE 36.

Syssel- og herredsnavne

69. Nim h. *1231 Nymheret.
Er tolket af adj. ny eller af en stamme *ni: af uvis opr., som menes at indgå i Niløse, Merløse h. *1231 Niløsworæ og måske i nr. 70.
[Has been interpreted as from the adj ny "new" or from a stem *ni: of uncertain org. thought to appear in Niløse, Merløse h. *1231 Niløsworæ and perhaps also in no. 70]
Se Hald Um p. 86. DS XII, 214.

70. Ning h. *1231 Ninggeheret.
Opkaldt med suffiks -ing efter et ukendt sted ved navn *Ni, se under nr. 69.
[Named with suffix -ing after an unknown place named *Ni, see under no. 69.
DS XII, 52.'

My guess: <- *Nim-inga-

némets G. -mtsa 'Deutscher',
aruss. ne^mIcI, ne^mIc^inU 'Germane, jeder Fremde'
(Srezn. Wb. 2, 486ff., F.Braun Germanica-Sievers 679ff.),
mgriech. Nemítzoi pl. 'Deutsche' (Konst. Porph. De cerim. 2, 398, s. Thomson Ursprung 120),
bulg. né^mec 'Deutscher', ne^méc 'Stummer' (Mladenov 362),
skr. nijèmac 'Deutscher, Stummer',
sloven. némec 'Stummer; Nordwind; Art Hafer',
c^ech. ne^mec 'Deutscher',
slk. nemec, poln. niemiec, osorb. ne^mc, nsorb. nimc.

|| Ursl. *ne^mUcI 'Fremder' gehört zu ne^mU 'stumm' (s. nemój). Vgl.
dial. govorítI némo 'undeutlich, auch in e. fremden Sprache sprechen', Vjatka (Vasn. 313),
némc^ik 'kleines, noch nicht sprechendes Kind', Smol. (Dobrov.),
nemkó 'stummer Mensch', Arch. (Podv.),
nemtýrI, nemtirá 'undeutlich sprechender Mensch, Stammler', Vjatka (Vasn.),
aruss. Jugra z^e ljudIje jestI jazykU ne^mU 'ein fremdes (stummes) Volk' (Laurent. Chron. a. 1096),
griech. oúth Hell`as oút` áglo:ssos gai~a (Soph. Trach. 1096),
s. Grünenthal Zeitschr. 13, 342, Archiv 39, 290ff.,42, 318, Ul/aszyn Zeitschr. 6, 369 ff., W. Schulze KZ. 50, 129, wo begriffliche Parallelen.
Mit dem Namen der westgerm. Nemetes (Plin., Tacitus, s. Much bei Hoops Reall. 3, 301 ff.) bei Speier hat slav. ne^mUcI aus lautlichen und geographischen Gründen nicht das geringste zu tun (gegen ... . Verfehlt ist auch die Annahme einer Bed. 'Nomade' und Verwandtschaft mit
griech. némo: 'weide',
nomé: 'Weideplatz' ,
nomás 'Nomade',
némos 'Wald',
lat. nemus, -oris 'Hain' (gegen ... .).
Zu ne^mUcU gehört
aruss. nem(U)c^ic^i pl. Smol. Urk. 1223 (Nap. 425) mehrfach.


nemój 'stumm, sprachlos',
nem, nemá, némo, dial. 'stammelnd', Vologda, Vjatka (Grünenthal s. unten),
ukr. nimýj, aruss. abulg. ne^mU álalos (Ostrom., Supr.),
bulg. ne^m,
skr. n`ìjem, nêm, f. néma, n. némo,
sloven. nêm, f. néma 'stumm, dumm',
c^ech. ne^mý, slk. nemý, poln. niemy, osorb. nsorb. ne^my.

|| Urspr. 'stammelnd', dissimiliert aus *me^mU, vgl.
lett. m>ems 'stumm", me,mulis 'Stotterer', memers dass.,
wie nhd. mummeln, engl. mumble 'stammeln', schwed. mimra 'die Lippen bewegen',
s. Mi KW. 215, W. Schulze KZ. 50, 129, M.-Endz. 2, 6l5, Grünenthal Archiv 39, 290ff., Petersson Vgl. sl. Wortst. 50.
Sehr fragwürdig ist der Vergleich mit ahd. neiman 'loqui', mhd. beneimen 'bestimmen' (Wiedemann BB. 28, 54ff., dagegen Petersson), abzulehnen auch die Auffassung als ne^- und -UmI (vozImu, vzjatI) wie ne pojmú (Mikkola RFV. 48, 270).'

So it seems it's *nem-et-, of which the first element was an adj. That fits in with the Danish place names (Niløse is on Sjælland, the rest on Djursland in Jutland or just south of it), and presumably British Nympton.
http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Nemeton

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