From: Anatoly Guzaev
Message: 64171
Date: 2009-06-13
On 2009-06-13 11:39, Anatoly Guzaev wrote:
> Compare Russ. себя 'self, itself' [sebja] and семья [sem'ja] on one side
> and Russ. особа (Cz. osoba 'person') and изба (Sloven. soba, izba 'a
> small room, cottage') on the other; in addition, Russ. сам 'alone' (Cz.
> osamělost 'loneliness' ; Lat. semel 'once, a single time, for the first
> time, once for all').
> I hope you understood what I wanted to say.
Dear Anatoly, it isn't enough to present a number of superficially
similar words and say "compare". The examples you give above belong to
several different word families, unconnected with each other.