Res: [tied] Greek suffix -ng-s

From: Joao S. Lopes
Message: 62580
Date: 2009-01-22

Is there some correspondeces not explained in Greek between "regular" IE forms like taphos and "irregular" tymbos (<*dmbHo-<*dHmbHo-); thauma/taphos/thambos/tho:ma. So, if in Greek aspiratae sonorae gave aspiratae surdae (cf. dH>th); we found divergente developmente were dh>d.

JS Lopes

De: G&P <G.and.P@...>
Enviadas: Quinta-feira, 22 de Janeiro de 2009 5:31:42
Assunto: RE: [tied] Greek suffix -ng-s

>Is the Greek suffix -nx (gen. -ngos) an IE Proto-Greek development, substratal or Para-Greek adstratal heritages?.

What is your thinking here?  Why should it not be inherited?  And how do you relate this question to the words in -nx –nkos?



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