Re[2]: [tied] [MTLR] Re: The paradox of the Basco-Caucasian hypothes

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 62253
Date: 2008-12-22

At 4:00:14 AM on Monday, December 22, 2008, Arnaud Fournet

> From: "mkelkar2003" <swatimkelkar@...>



>> "The other piece of bad news for the multilateralist
>> research program is that this more rigorous version of
>> the methodology failed to turn up any connection between
>> Indo-European and Uralic (Kessler & Lehtonen, 2003 or
>> later)."

> It's perfectly possible to find non transparent
> correspondences between Uralic and IE.

Whether this is true or not, it has nothing to do with the
conclusion quoted from the article. 'Methodology M does not
show a connection between A and B' is not the same as 'no
connection between A and B can be demonstrated'. (The
article's actually quite interesting.)
