Re: Vacillare

From: tgpedersen
Message: 61984
Date: 2008-12-08

> and is therefore substrate (says I too).
> ========
> or Adstrate,
> This alternation v / g maybe from *w / *N. is typically Uralic.
> A.
> =======

I am warming to the idea that all the "water" words may be connected
to FU somehow, cf
that Saami, Obugric *un,a looks suspiciously close to the *n,W-
something root I always use for water (*n,Wod-).

> Yup. Mot populaire. Maybe it's time we give a name to that
> a-language substrate. Oenotrian? Aboriginal?
> =======
> I remember something like nebulococcygian.
> It wasn't meant to be laudative
> but it sounds great for a substrate.
And I propose an adjective Arnauzian to characterize certain postings.
