Re[2]: [tied] Anaphorics with a Capital

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 61927
Date: 2008-12-06

At 12:38:42 PM on Saturday, December 6, 2008, Rick
McCallister wrote:


> References to Deities are capitalized whenever used for
> one's own deity/ies. So Muslim and Hindu pamphlets also
> capitalized His whenever referring to God, and Hindus Her
> when referring to Kali, etc.

> But this rule is discarded when referring to defunct
> deities such as Zeus, Mars, Thor and Odin --sorry Torsten
> ;p

Defunct? You're forgetting Ásatrú. There are also Hellenic
neopagans, Kemetic neopagans, and probably just about any
other flavor you care to name.
