From: bmscotttg
Message: 61451
Date: 2008-11-07
> From: "Brian M. Scott" <BMScott@...>Not I: it was Etherman23 who made the comment. I merely answered
>>>>> This is "proof by absentia"
>>>>> Maybe we just lack a clear example of H + CW.
>>>> That's possible, but IMO not probable. It's not just that
>>>> H+CW is rare, but the otherwise rare velars are suddenly
>>>> much more common after laryngeals. Not only are they
>>>> rare, but they're restricted in their language
>>>> distribution. They always occur in Greek, yet never occur
>>>> in Hittite, Tocharian, Italic, or Celtic.
>>> What is "they" ?
>> Plain velars.
> Big news.
> Velars appearing in Greek, in Hittite, Tocharian, Italic, or
> Celtic are not velars.
> You must be kindof Halloween-struck.