Re: Scandinavia and the Germanic tribes such as Goths, Vandals, Angl

From: bmscotttg
Message: 61335
Date: 2008-11-03

--- In, "Andrew Jarrette" <anjarrette@...>

> --- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@> wrote:


>>> the king. The romantic aura radiated by the Goths seems to
>>> have a charmed life of its own: it has now cast a spell upon
>>> Torsten's mind.

>> I wonder what kind of self-inflicted spell has led you to
>> believe that a claim that a Germanic word has extra-Germanic
>> ancestry can be refuted with a line of reasoning which includes
>> as a premise the assumption that it doesn't?

> I don't get it: where's the "extra-Germanic" in what Piotr has said?

It isn't. Torsten claims that the word is extra-Germanic and
wants to know why Piotr imagines that this claim could be refuted
by an argument that assumes that the word is in fact Germanic.

In fact Piotr rather clearly demonstrated that the words could not
have developed in OE from a common source, be it PGmc. or a very
early borrowing. In principle the possibility of an extra-Gmc.
relationship at a much earlier date still exists, but as Piotr
pointed out earlier, a relationship involving unknown sound
changes in unknown languages is fantasy.
