Re[6]: [tied] Re: [pieml] Labiovelars versus Palatals + Labiovelar A

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 61222
Date: 2008-11-02

At 4:18:35 AM on Sunday, November 2, 2008, Arnaud Fournet

> From: "Rick McCallister" <gabaroo6958@...>


>> Au contraire mon frère, the columnist George Will says
>> /aen hIstriy/ all the time. It's especially common among
>> conservative writers in the US.

> I don't think unnatural affected speech should be taken as
> proof of anything about real English.

I don't know anything about the speech of conservative
writers, but I've known a number of people who did in fact
say /@n hI'stOr@.../ occasion/event/fact/..., and it's a
variation that I've seen discussed.
