Re: Scandinavia and the Germanic tribes such as Goths, Vandals, Angl

From: Arnaud Fournet
Message: 61209
Date: 2008-11-02

----- Original Message -----
From: "Piotr Gasiorowski" <gpiotr@...>
>> And who do live in Jutland and north Germany before the
>> arrival of the Germanics?
> A good question, but we have too little reliable information to be able
> to answer it.
> Piotr

Seven words in the North-Saami substrate look like Basque,

addjo 'être couvert de neige' (IL=3) ~ elur/edur 'neige'
áidnet 'neiger en légers flocons' (IL=4) ~ elur/edur 'neige'
bihci 'gelée blanche' (IL=3) ~ ihintz 'rosée'
jargŋa 'eau libre au centre d'un lac' (IL=9) ~ erdi 'milieu'.
njeaðgat 'subir une tempête de neige' (IL=2) ~ negu 'hiver' et (n)ekaitz
rusta 'brouillard givrant' (IL=7) ~ leuso 'brouillard'
šuhči ~ suhči 'givre sur les arbres' (IL=5) ~ izotz 'geler'
vaššu 'vent glacial' (IL=3) ~ auso 'tempête de neige, blizzard'

IL is the number of Saami languages where the Saami word is attested.
