The evolution of word Raja

From: kishore patnaik
Message: 60409
Date: 2008-09-27

Dear all,

The word Raja could be connected to Rex, a straight line, with word "go or proceed" and with the word "shine" . While connecting a king with Rex, a straight line, or more appropriately proceeding in a straight line could have had tribal connotations – say, in his search for the lost cows or even a new herd of cows that he can win over from other tribes. This  thinking was  probed by Kosambi who tried to see the connection between Sanskrit words meaning search for cows and the fight.


On the other hand, the classical meaning of Raj with "going in a dharmic straightline" and not adopt crooked means in his rule could be a later development and not necessarily that of an RV connotation.  If this is an RV connotation, it only means the kingship has developed well by the time of RV and   functions of a King were  well laid down.  This is more evident if we consider the meaning of Rajas is to excel. The king is seen as  leader, who has got  to be better than others in every aspect.

The world Raja in the context of a cattle fight may be requiring some more discussion, especially if you consider the word being connected with Shine, then it will have to  be connected with such elements as Sun, Agni (fire) and Indra (lit. ignite) also. (RV, iii.6.7). Perhaps this is the reason why the word Rajas is connected with the transit of the Sun and sometimes, taken to mean Space,the space where Sun moves in a " Straight line", because the space which marks the transit of Sun would be shining.  

However,  I personally think the word Raj is connected  more with the word "worlds"(Rajainsi or Rajamsi ) which itself might be connected to the word Rajas (water), as worlds have evolved from water(more correctly, cosmic waters) This meaning is highly evolved covering a gamut of spiritual, cosmological and political understandings.

Last but not least, the sociological meaning of Rajas may be considered to be connected with the word "color".  That Indra had fought the Purusa (people living in Puras) and after 'sacrificing' them, he could evolve a social order called Varna. Certainly, here Varna should not be taken as color but connected with Rajas, the cosmic Order or the Order of Royalty.

This is very appropriate since the pre Varna societies were ruled by Prajapatis (Leader of men) on one hand and by chieftains called Raja on the other. Assimilation of these kind of States, which were interestingly fighting over water and cattle ,  might have led a new Social Order called Varna.


Understanding the evolution of the word Raja will help us understanding the evolution of State in Vedic history and in turn, help us to understand the complex  rituals such as Aswamedha.


I invite comments from the learned members of the group.

with best regards,

Kishore patnaik