> What's "/ae/ font"?
I can't take the real one (the "legatto"
ae), because it won't appear on the list
as such.
>_o-tilde_, _o-circumflex_ and >_u-circumflex_ are not ASCII characters.
These are no phonetic transcription fonts,
but... HTML fonts usable on any computer
platform. They've been chosen by Hunga-
rians themselves (o-tilde and o-circum-
flex for the long-o-umlaut, and the
circumflexed-u for the long u-umlaut).
>Polak, Węgier - dwa bratanki?
Yeah, bratanki, but I am a Vlach, i.e.
your... "enemy". ;-)
>I do szabli
Chablis? Not bad, although I prefer
Cabernet, Pinot, Grenache and Sangiovese. ;)
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