Re[2]: [tied] beyond langauges

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 58069
Date: 2008-04-26

At 1:31:59 PM on Saturday, April 26, 2008, mkelkar2003

>> Witzel does. Mittani Indo Aryan aika>Sanskrit eka hence
>> Vedas are younger than 1500 BCE.

>> QED

> Also Indo-Eurasian research msg # 9913

> "G. Thompson writes:

>> the numbers are Indo-Aryan, not Iranian. aika > eka
>> [contrast Avestan aiwa]; satta > sapta [contrast Avestan
>> hapta]. Bjarte is right to leave this question to
>> Indologists or Iranists, because we can tell the
>> difference between Indo-Aryan and Iranian words, as well
>> as their gods.

Obviously irrelevant: the question was whether anyone
distinguished the terms 'Indo-Aryan' and 'Indic'.
