Re: Djilas

From: tolgs001
Message: 58063
Date: 2008-04-26

>****GK: Do any of them suggest that the Kabars might
>also have been Jewish?

Yes, of course. Some of them even mention tombs of that time
with Jewish symbols. (I've once read of such necropoles un-
earthed somewhere in today's Serbia, but I don't remember
whether near Sirmium, Belgrade or Gradis^ka.)

>One of the quarters of pre-Mongol era Kyiv was called the
>"Kopyriv kinets" ("the quarter of the Kabars"). It was
>basically the Jewish section of the city, though
>Christians also lived there.

Was it also called Z^ydovskaya or something?

BTW, is there any legend or story by chroniclers that
Kyiv was founded by some Khazar brethren or by some
Khazar "V.I.P." (whose name I can't remember now due to
a lapsus)?
