Re: Djilas

From: george knysh
Message: 58015
Date: 2008-04-25

--- tolgs001 <george_st@...> wrote:

> As for immigrants from the East, even Muslims
> ("Ismaelites"), the last
> chapter of Anonymus's chronicle (around 1198-1200)
> is interesting:
> "57 De constitucione regni
> "Dvx uero zulta post reursionem militum suorum fixit
> metas regni
> hungarie ex parte grecorum usque ad portam Wacil,
> et usque ad terram
> racy. Ab occidente usque ad mare, ubi est spaletina
> ciuitas (Spalato =
> Split). Et ex parte theotonicorum usque ad pontem
> guncil [Göncöl], et
> in eisdem partibus dedit castrum construere ruthenis
> qui cum almo duce
> auo suo in pannoniam uenerant.

****GK: The term "Rutheni" is a dead give away here.
The only "Rutheni" in the early 10th c.(and the term
itself did not yet exist I believe, barring a memory
error. "Rugi" "Ros" yes.) were the Varangians. After
the conversion of Volodimer, Varangians and Polani
aristocrats fused as "Rus'", but the application of
"Rutheni" to most Eastern Slavs was delayed until the
time of Volodimer Monomakh (+1125). There is a bit of
anachronism in the Hungarian chronicle.****

Et in eodem confinio
> ultra lutum musun"
> [Mozony, near the Austrian border]
> "collocauit etiam bissenos non paucos habitare pro
> defensione regni sui
> ut ne aliquando in posterum furibundi theotonici
> propter iniuriam sibi
> illatum, fines hungarorum deuastare possent."
> [he refers to placing of Petchenegs at the
> westernmost border; if
> the chronicler was right, then that happened pretty
> early, during
> Tocsun's and... Porphyrogenitus's time]

****GK: Very doubtful unless after 1036.****

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