Re: Clueless roolz...

From: george knysh
Message: 58002
Date: 2008-04-25

--- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:

--- In cybalist@..., george knysh
<gknysh@...> wrote:
> --- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@ ...> wrote:
> > > The 6 L.type graves of Lubieszewo itself are
clearly a part of
> > > the Gustow group, which is NOT PRZEWORSK but
> > > intermediary between Wielbark and Elbe. This is
the conclusion
> > > of professional archaeologists.

> > Tell me what's wrong in this paragraph then (from
> > http://en.wikipedia .org/wiki/ Poland_in_
Antiquity ):
> > 'The evolution of the power structure within the
> > societies in Poland and elsewhere can be traced to
some degree by
> > examining the "princely" graves - burials of
chiefs, and even
> > hereditary princes, as the consolidation of power
> > Those appear from the beginning of the Common Era
and are located
> > away from ordinary cemeteries, singly or in small
groups. The
> > bodies were inhumed in wooden coffins and covered
with kurgans, or
> > interred in wooden or stone chambers.
> > Luxurious Roman-made gifts and fancy barbarian
emulations (such as
> > silver and gold clasps with springs, created with
an unsurpassed
> > attention to detail, dated 3rd century CE from
Wrocl/aw Zakrzów),
> > but not weapons, were placed in the graves. 1st
and 2nd century
> > burials of this type, occurring all the way from
Jutland to
> > Lesser Poland, are referred to as princely graves
Lubieszewo type,
> > after Lubieszewo, Gryfice County in western
Pomerania, where six
> > such burials were found'
> GK: I repeat another piece of information you have
> left out:
> http://pl.wikipedia .org/wiki/
> Lubieszewo_( powiat_gryficki)
> > > We have inhumations in wooden chambers, covered
> > > circled by stones, under kurgans. The mentioned
> > > objects are bronze wine goblets, silver and
> > > vases (with depictions of gladiatorial contests
> > > Rome) and "many local products" (presumably of
> > > type which would be found in non-princely
> > > A "local Germanic dynasty" they say.
> Note the reference to "many local products". What
> means is that the inventory of the six Lub.
> graves" is composed of (1) Roman imports or
> emulations; and (2) items belonging to the Gustow
> group culture. The "princely graves" differ from
> of the rank and file only by their location and by
> presence of luxurious items. Otherwise they
> the Gustow culture as much as the sumptuous barrows
> Scythian monarchs represent Scythian culture. There
> nothing else here which points to racial, cultural,
> linguistic heterogeneity. And, of course, nothing
> which points to Przeworsk. Social differentiation
> But that's it.

That is completely new information to me. Everywhere I
look, they
stress the separate identity of the supra-tribal
layer, based on their
graves. Could you supply an URL or two supporting your
The kurgan itself was hardly a Roman import or a local
product, since
inhumation is a new tradition there, but of course
well-known elsewhere.

****GK: By itself, the kurgan (or tumulus) is
meaningless. Ditto the chamber. What matters is the
entire complex of rituals and esp.objects. This is
elementary archaeological stuff Torsten. There were
"kurgans" all over the place going back thousands of
years. And presumably tales of great ones buried long
ago. Nothing more natural for new local origin ruling
classes to emulate. Examples galore. In some cases
(further east) the very same graves were used. When
the kozak movement started in Ukraine, they also
switched to tumuli burials. Generally cf.
> > >
> > > There is apparently nothing in the L.type graves
> > > other areas which can allow us to construe them
as a
> > > unified archaeological culture, let alone a
> > > development of Przeworsk, EXCEPT IN THE AREA OF

George, your typography.

****GK: Blame Yahoo.****

> >
> > That's not what I read in the sources. They say
there was a
> > remarkably uniform upper class (relatively to the
> > culture) but that it was heterogenous within
> GK: You've misread the sources. The only
> "uniformity" is the burial area separation plus the
> luxurious objects aspect. Which are pretty standard
> ruling class indicators. Similarity of certain
> class characteristics do not prove ruling class
> uniformity or unity of provenance. More is required.
> There is nothing.

Some URLs, please.

****GK: Cf. above. I learned this when reading
prehistory in Soviet era archaeological literature.
Microanalys is also essential. The presence of certain
objects in an otherwise unified culture could be a
tipoff for heterogeneous components. That's how they
discovered, f.i., that the Cimmerians had an
apparently leading far east Asian adstratum. I don't
see anything similar in the description so far
provided of the L. type graves.****
> >
> > > If the situation of the standard area
(Lubieszewo) is repeated
> > > elsewhere, then the "local element" would be
defining in each
> > > particular area. This can be checked.
> >
> > I don't understand that paragraph. Could you
> GK: See above. If the only cultural identifiers
> (other than location and Roman imports) are "local"
> then there are no grounds for asserting a foreign
> origin to these dynasts without additional
> evidence.
> >
Kurgans? Grave chambers?

****GK: Meaningless by themselves. See above.****

> > > We already know the answer for Lubieszewo proper
(to repeat
> > > myself).

To repeat your own claim.

****GK: You've not advanced any counter-argument (e.g.
verifiably eastern objects in these graves)****

> > > Your universal Przeworsk scenario is simply not
> >
> > It's a universal upper crust scenario.
> GK: This is meaningless. You have no evidence for
> (a) common origin of this "upper crust" or (b)
> Przeworsk origin for it.

I think you know I claim a more easterly origin for

****GK: For which you have no proof.****

BTW I've uploaded a map of the distribution of
Lubieszewo graves. It
is interesting that they are not found in the
Przeworsk area itself,

****GK: How so? I note two in the upper Warta, and one
on the upper Oder not far from Cracow. BTW are the two
cremation graves in your upload also L.type?****

only north of it. Then it occurred to me that in order
to get a
princely grave, you should die not too far from your
preferably under somewhat ordered circumstances.
Probably the whole
Przeworsk aristocracy perished in the Ariovistus

****GK: Not all Przeworsk participated. Also, cf.
below, and the three graves mentioned above.****

> > > But here is something for you, says the devil's
> > > advocate:
> > >
> > > "in Siemiechów [Central Poland GK]a grave of a
> > > who must had taken part in the Ariovistus
> > > during the 70-50 BC period was found; it
> > > Celtic weapons and an Alpine region manufactured
> > > helmet used as an urn, together with local
> > > (Poland in Ant. website)
> > >
> > > This is a convincing argument for Przeworsk
> > > participation in the Ariovist saga, of course,
but the
> > > "return" of the participant is to Przeworsk
> > > Can you find such graves in the other areas
where the
> > > L.type ones later emerge?
> > >
> >
> > I am not sure I can save a putative 'Ariovistus
goes to Denmark'
> > scenario, given the time frame of the appearance
of those graves,
> > but I might save something like 'An Ariovistus
> > goes to Denmark with the northern part of the
upper crust a
> > century later'. I recall vaguely we dicussed the
> > (eastern or western) of Rome-origin grave goods of
> > graves in Denmark; some pointed east, some west.

I think I have found something. I'll be back on that.
> GK: Torsten, you can "save" anything you like as
> long as you are willing to operate in an
> environment.

You know very well what I have to do is construct a
scenario. The evidence is there and is the same for
both of us.

****GK: Nothing you've advanced so far proves your
Odinist scenario.****

> You are constantly shifting your ground.

No, my scenario.

****GK: I don't really know what that is any more.
Odin doesn't work. The Przeworsk genesis doesn't work.
Apart from the existence of the NWB what is it that
you are claiming re Germanic? These constant shifts
are very confusing.****

> What's this "northern part of the upper crust a
> century later"? A century later is what? It's later
> than Maroboduus' Suebian empire which included the
> Goths.*****

Good point. I'll have to take account of that.


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