Re: Origin of *marko- Margus murg ma'rgas amurg

From: Patrick Ryan
Message: 57569
Date: 2008-04-17

----- Original Message -----
From: "alexandru_mg3" <alexandru_mg3@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, April 17, 2008 4:09 PM
Subject: [tied] Re: Origin of *marko- Margus murg ma'rgas amurg

--- In, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@...>

> I will tell you directly in Romanian:
> "Pune ma m^ana si citeste ceva inainte sa vorbesti prostii..."
> Marius
> ***
> Patrick:
> . . . prostate what? . . .
> ***

An aproximative translation is :

"put your hands [on books] and read something in advance to avoid to
talk stupidities"

Is what my father told me when I was young whenever I asked him about

"Pune, ma, mana pe cartea aia si citeste-o..."
"Put your hands on that book and read it" [...before to ask]

But in Romanian the message is 'much much stronger' than in English.




Good advice in any language!

Can you translate it into French?
