Re: Origin of *marko- Margus murg ma'rgas amurg

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 57488
Date: 2008-04-16

--- In, Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:
> On 2008-04-16 21:21, alexandru_mg3 wrote:

5. ====> My topic started here:

> > 5. Fifth,
> > a loaned k- after k>x finished was loaned as what ?
> As the only velar stop that (pre-)Proto-Germanic had at that time --

> /g/, soon to be devoiced into /k/.

> > or a loaned g- after g>k finished was loaned as what ?
> As voiced velar /G/, typically (one of its major allophones soon
> [g]); only exceptionally as /k/ (Goth. Kre:ks, etc. for 'Greek').

IF Greek BECAME Kre:ks in Gothic
a loan marG(u)- WOULD-GIVE marK- > Marco-manni, isn't it?

(see ALSO the clusters gr/rg <-> kr/rk)

Of course I ignore 'exceptionally'

> > So I disagree here....'Border Folks'? Border Folks of Who?
> > The Germanic Tribes were very dispersed...(see Tacitus) also I
> > don't think that they have a Global Germanic 'Conscience' at that
> > time to refer to the Germanic Borders of All the Germans...
> George has commented on that already, and I have nothing to add.

Wikipedia commented better than George...and I posted that link

> > And 'Certainly'? They translated their names for you?
> They adopted a name whose etymology is completely transparent. I
> have to ask for a translation; the name is self-explanatory.

1. So you ONLY repeat AGAIN what you think without any argument

2. If it is so Transparent for you:


> > 'Horse-men' don't sound irrelevant...
> They sound wrong. The "Marco-" part has the wrong Germanic
consonant. It
> is _not_ the Germanic 'horse' word. Can't you see that?
> Piotr

1. I don't care about the Germanic-'horse' here (I didn't arrive yet
there)....once again you misunderstood me.
So please take-it step-by-step

2. I said that Marcomanni 'horsemen' was a loaned from a Balcanic
*Marg(u)- "horse" (>Romanian Murgu (see also Marisia > Muresh))

3. o -in Marco- speaks by itself that we don't have a Germanic
Inherited word here -> so your 'BORDER' Supposition is FALSE

4. Next (as you said):

IF Greek BECAME Kre:ks in Gothic
a loaned marG(u)- WOULD-GIVE marK(u)- > Marco-manni

5. Next : g > k is regular for Germanic so marg- > mark- could well
be loaned BEFORE g>k started too (but also AFTER too)

So I hope that at least till here you agree....


P>S> I general, the root merh2gW/kW or only merh2g/k- has originary
an alternance g/k (I posted another message related to this)=> this
fact is enough to solve any issue

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