Re: Hachmann versus Kossack?

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 57194
Date: 2008-04-13

--- george knysh <gknysh@...> wrote:

> --- tgpedersen <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> >
> > > GK: Sorry, Torsten,but this won't do. You're
> > > retreating into generalities. The question "Why
> > > Przeworsk?", rather than, say, Gubin Yastorf,
> has
> > not
> > > been answered. And the relationship between
> > "Berig's
> > > people" and "Przeworsk" even less.
> >
> > Like this:
> > After Ariovistus' defeat, some of the upper layer
> > went northeast to
> > Jastorf and influenced that culture to become Elbe
> > Germani.
> ****GK: Why would that culture not have been in
> process of transformation into Elbe Germanic prior
> to
> and independently of the Ariovistus saga? He was
> Suebian before coming to Gaul, left relatives in his
> homeland, and had nearly all the Semnones (most
> likely)on the banks of the Rhine (led by other
> leaders) ready to join him before his defeat.****
> Later they
> > went to Denmark and Southern Scandinavia from
> where
> > Berig, as part of
> > that layer, went to the southern coast of the
> > Baltic.
> > That takes some proving.
> ****GK: At the moment that's just a verbal assertion
> which requires no other disproof than an equally
> verbal denial.****
> Now, shoot away.
> ****GK: There seems to be no consensus amongst
> linguists as to the time frame of the initiation and
> spread of the Grimm shift. I could mention some
> pertinent facts about the spread of "Germanic"
> partly
> independent of this, partly related thereto (in the
> eyes of some at any rate). Anon.****
> >
> > BTW, if we assume the Gothic language came about
> > that way we might see
> > Gothic as language not inflenced by Verner, but
> with
> > loans that are
> > (fulgins etc), instead of the traditional view
> that
> > Gothic was
> > influenced by Verner, but later regularized
> > paradigms.
> ****GK: BTW AF has sent me a defence of his "Asiatic
> Germans" position. Purely linguistic. Is there any
> reason why he can't propose this to the cybalist
> community? He says he's "under embargo", but another
> post of his has just appeared here...****
> >
> >
For his proposal to work, I'd expect to see a
substantial Uralic adstrate in Gmc, probably some
parallels with Tokharian.

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