Re: Hachmann versus Kossack?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 56887
Date: 2008-04-06

> ****GK: And archaeology tells us that the Chatti and
> others like them adopted the Elbe Germanic material
> culture at that time.****
> > This is a comment to Kossack's version that Elbe Germani didn't
> > really settle beyond the Weser until after the Romans withdrew a
> > few years later. That doesn't mean Hachmann might not be right
> > that they began infiltrate that area already a half century
> > before. The loss of trade caused by the new border would have
> > weakened the communities in those areas; so would constant border
> > conflicts (which the immigrating EG and Przeworsk people wisely
> > stayed out of).
> ****GK: We don't really know such specifics (esp.under
> the Hachmann scenario). All we know is that by the end
> of the second decade of the 1rst c.CE there are no
> more discernible "Przeworsk people" anywhere except in
> Poland and Ukraine.****

The new Kuhn, Kossack and Hachmann folder in the Files section
contains a map that might interest you.
