Re: dhuga:ter ('LARYNGEALS')

From: tgpedersen
Message: 55853
Date: 2008-03-24

--- In, "fournet.arnaud" <fournet.arnaud@...>
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Patrick Ryan
> > ==============
> >
> > I suggest you investigate the case of
> > Touareg "grey"
> > a little closer.
> >
> > Because H was there,
> > the whole skeletton is now emphatic.
> > ghH_s > k._z.
> > No H and it should be **g_s
> >
> > Look Closer.
> >
> > Arnaud
> >
> > ============
> ***
> Arnaud,
> if you actually think that Twareg <> entitles you to, on your
> own initiative, to hypothesize PIE *ghHes-, and inform no one this
> is your 'invention', then you are asleep if you do not know this is
> thoroughly disreputable.
> I wasted my time looking for this stem which is but a figment of
> your fevered imagination.
> Truly, your mind is not suited for linguistics.
> Patrick
> ===========
> I think Germanic *gre:waz
> entitles me to hypothesize *ghreH-wos
> (I suppose I'm not alone)
> Germanic also has *ghreH-s-
> > LW French gris
> Then, on account of my personal theory
> the root in there can be *gh_H1 (r infix)
> (I agree this is my invention)
> Now my invention is supported
> by Arabic jiHrit. "very old woman" (r suffix)
> the same as German Greis (r infix)
> and yesterday
> I opened my Tamazheq-Tafransist AlQamus
> by the honourable Carl. K Prasse tome 1
> on page 437 and I found k.z. "grey"
> Which I consider is the legitimate cognate
> of PIE *ghreH1-w, *ghreH1-s
> and phonotactic *ghH1-s > k°s-nos
> Arabic j_H_r_t.
> Phonotaxis and emphatic propogation
> by any glottal or pharyngal/uvular
> makes *ghH_s into *k.z.
> I'm afraid *you* are the one not suited.
> I'm grateful you found dj_b the other day.
> Arnaud
> ============

See what you can make of this:

Møller: Vergleichendes indogermanisch-semitisches Wörterbuch:
1 g^h-r- 'leuchten, strahlen' (< voridg. K.^-r-)
+ À- idg. *g^h-ra-, g^hre:-,
gr. khar-opós 'strahläugig',
lit. z^eré:ti 'strahlen'
abulg. z(I)re:ti: 'spectare, lucere',
ahd. gra:o an. gra:r (< idg. g^hre:wos) 'grau',

reduz. idg. g^hr.:- (r.: < r + Laryngal) in
lat. ra:vus 'grau, graugelb';

= semit. *s.-r- (< vorsemit. K.^-r-),
einfach redupl. s.-r-r-,
assyr. Inf. s.ara:ru 'aufleuchten, strahlen';

+ H.- arab. intr. s.aruH.a 'it was (became) sheer, clear',
II Kaus. 'he made apparent',
syr. s.eraH 'flagravit'.

*k^-y- 'grau, canus' (< voridg. k^-y-),

mit suffixalem r-
an. ha:rr ags. ha:r
ne. hoar 'altersgrau',
ahd. Komp. he:riro 'senior',
abulg. se:rU 'glaucus';

mit Laryngalerweiterung und w-Suffix
sanskr. s^´ja:-vá- 'schwarzbraun, dunkel'
(sanskr. a: < idg. e:, a: oder o: ?),

reduz. k^i:- in
abulg. si:vU 'canus'
lit. s^ývas 'schimmelgrau';

+ À- idg. k^ye:-, mit m-Suffix
lit. s^e.~mas 'aschgrau',
sanskr. s^ja:má- 'dunkel';

= semit. *s^´-y- (< vorsemit. k^-y-),

+ X- arab. s^a:Xa 'consenuit',
s^ayXuN 'senex,
Scheich = a man whose age gives him a claim to reverence or respect';

+ b- arab. s^a:ba 'he became whitehaired or hoary'
hebr. s^´a:B dass.,
assyr. Inf. s^a:bu 'grau sein (werden), alt sein', s^i:bu 'grau,
Greis', arab. s^aybuN 'whiteness, hoariness of the hair',
syr. såBå: 'senex',
jüd.-aram. si:Ba: 'alt, Greis, angesehener Mann',
se:Ba: m. 'Greisenalter',
hebr. s^´e:Ba: jüd.-aram.
se:Beþa: 'graues Haar, graues Haupt, Greisenalter',
syr. saybuþå: jüd.-aram. se:Bu:þa: 'senectus'
neu-hebr. se:Bu:þ 'graues Haar',
äthiop. s^i:bat 'canities'.

(Vgl. idg. sk^(h)-yp-.)

1 sk^(h)-y- (mit y = semit. h < voridg. k^-k'- mit s-Präformativ) in
gr. skiá: 'Schatten', skoiós 'schattig',
sanskr. cha:já: 'Schimmer, Schatten',
neupers. sa:ja 'Schatten';

+ m-Suffix
as. scimo mhd. scheme 'Schatten',
ags. scima 'shadow, gloom',
æ:fen-scima 'crepusculum',
scimian 'to grow dark',
mnd. schemeringe 'Dämmerung';

+ r- gr. skíron 'weißer Sonnenschirm (bes. der Priesterinnen der
ahd. scirm, scerm mhd. schirm, scherm 'Schirm, > Schild, Schutz';

= semit. *s^´-h-,
s. die gemein-idg.-semit. Erweiterungen semit. s^´-h-b-, s^´-h-r-
== idg. (mit s-Präformativ) sk^(h)-yp-, sk^(h)-yr-.

sk^(h)-yp- intr. 'schimmelgrau',
mit Nasalinfix in
ahd. scimbli 'Schimmel, mucor, aerugo',
scimbalac 'schimmlig, mucidus',
nhd. schimmel 'weißes Pferd'
(aus älterem schimmliges pferd, schimmel-pferd, s. DWb. 9,156),
ahd. ir-schimpalo:n '(schimmlig werden,) obsolescere',
obd. schimpeln 'schimmeln',

mit s-Präformativ entweder
< voridg. k^-y-b- (intr. k^áiab-) = k^-y- (S. 112 f.)

+ b-

= semit. s^´-y-b- (= *s^´-y- + b-) 'grau sein (werden)',
s. k^-y- S. 113:

oder wahrscheinlicher
mit idg. y = semit. h
= semit. s^´-h-b-,
arab. Perf. intr. s^ahuba, s^ahiba
'it was (became) of the colour termed s^uhbatuN (= schimmelgrau)',
IV `as^haba '(ein Hengst) had offspring of the colour s^uhbatuN born
to him',
s^´ahabuN und s^uhbatuN 'a (gray) colour in which whiteness is
interrupted by, or mixed with or predominates over blackness, in
horses a colour in which the main hue is interrupted by a hoariness',
`as^habu diese Farbe habend (von einem Pferd und andern Haustieren,
einem Jahr ohne Regen u. a.),
s^ahbuN 'a mountain overspread with snow';

einfach redupl. äthiop. s^a:hbaba 'war (ward) schimmlig',
Part. s^ehbu:b 'schimmlig, mucidus'.
sk^-yr- (und sk^h-yr-? s. u.) in
got. skeirs as. ski:r ags. sci:r
an. ski:rr und skæ:rr 'klar, lauter, deutlich',
von sk^-y 'leuchten' (s. d. mit s-Präformativ)

+ r-Suffix
= semit. z-h-r- (= ursemit. *z´-h- (s. sk^-y-) + r-),
Perf, arab. zahara '(the sun, the moon, a star, fire, a lamp, a face)
gave light, glistened, shone brightly, he was (became) white or fair',
syr. jüd.-aram. zehar 'splenduit, fulsit',
hebr. z-h-r Hiph. 'Glanz verbreiten',
neuhebr. Pi. 'glänzen machen', syr. zahrå: 'splendor',
jüd.-aram. zahara: m. 'Licht, Glanz', zihara: 'Mondlicht, Mond',
hebr. zòhar 'Glanz (des Himmels)',
arab. `azharu 'shining, bright, clear, white, fair',
za:hiruN 'shining, bright'
(dieses dehnstuflge Partizip = germ. ske:2r- in
ahd. sce:ri, sciari 'sagax' wenn < sk^e:yr-, s. KZ. 42, 188 Anm. 2).
Got. skeirs etc. kann auch < idg. sk^h-yr- (oder sk^-yr- mit sk^h-yr-
zusammengefallen) sein, dieses = 1sk^(h)-y- (s. d. mit s-Präf.) + r-Suffix
== semit. s^´-h-r- (= *s^´-h- + r-),
arab. Perf. s^ahara 'he made apparent, conspicuous',
s^ahruN 'nova luna',
syr. sahrå: jüd.-aram. sahara: m. 'Mond',
assyr. se:ru 'Morgen'.


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