Re: IE Festivals/Holidays?

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 55389
Date: 2008-03-17

I got The Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture on
Amazon for $40 new. They have to have used copies for
much less.

--- Wade MacMorrighan <Wade@...> wrote:

> Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone might know of
> any research
> (articles or books) that have been written about
> potential IE
> holidays, perhaps even how such might align with the
> 4 main
> Celtic "feasts" [Imbolc, Samhain, Beltane,
> Lughnasadh]? And, on
> that, I have recently found that China has
> strikingly similar--
> perhaps TOO similar to be mere coincident--seasonal
> portals that
> occur relatively close to thoise from Ireland:
> According to
> this article, subsequently linked below (and Chinese
> Astronomy),
> February 4 was regarded as the beginning of Spring
> (called Li Chu),
> while the beginning of Summer was May 6 [Li xia];
> the beginning of
> autumn was August 8 [Li qiu]; and the beginning of
> winter was
> November 8 [Li dong].
> Although, it
> must be discerned how these days were culled, and
> how they may differ
> culturally from the Irish dates (they are usually
> tendered "Old
> Style" and "New Style" due to the calendar change).
> Sadly, I haven't found any research about what this
> data may
> potentially prove (or not). Still, I find it very
> interesting and
> would like to read something more about it, if I can
> find anything...
> Hmmm...another facet I'd like to look into is
> something a dear friend
> of mine has mentioned, before, that the star
> cluster, The Pleiades,
> rises and sets at the "authentic" date for Beltane
> and Samhain! If
> she is correct, one must wonder what importance this
> event may have
> had! Moreover, if they rose or set for these two
> celebrations, it
> begs the question: are/were there any astrological
> occurences to mark
> either Imbolc or Lughnasadh?
> Oh, and I'm more than half-way through Prof. West's
> book, "Indo-
> European Poetry and Myth"--it's brilliant! Albeit
> not entirely
> exhaustive, it ddefinately gives enough data for
> anyone in any fie;d
> to concider. I'll be writing a review of it when
> I'm finished...
> Hopefully I'll do it some justice! Ah...*I* just
> wish I could find a
> copy of "Th Encyclopedia of Indo-European Culture"
> that won't break
> the bank! *G*
> Take Care,
> Wade

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