Re: Uralic Continuity Theory (was: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white peo

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 53846
Date: 2008-02-21

At 5:15:01 PM on Wednesday, February 20, 2008, jouppe wrote:


> Niels Åge Nielsen's Dansk Etymologisk Ordbog from 1966 is
> an excellent adaptation of Pokorny to Scandinavian,
> actually it is my favourite, a compactb and concise first
> recourse.

What do you think of Bjorvand and Lindemann? I've not seen
a copy, unfortunately, but I've heard some good things about


> Also have a look at the Old Norse etymological database at

That's Koebler's work, as I recall; it seems to be based
*very* heavily on de Vries, which is both dated and not
nearly so trustworthy as one would like.
