Re: Salish (was Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-)

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 53396
Date: 2008-02-16

Arnaud Fournet

Yahontov's 35-word list

applied to PIE and Salish



Salish Recontructions are taken from

Salish Etymological Dictionary UMOPL n°16


This book is divided in three parts :

- general Roots

- Coast Salish roots

- Interior Salish roots


I take the reconstructions as they are made with no discussion.

In Salish #s- is for s mobile. It means within Salish

Some words have it, others don't.

x is velar, H is uvular unvoiced.

I have written <ts> instead of original <c> for the sake of clarity.


1 Blood 

PIE has more than one word for "blood". One is *H2es-.

General Salish (p.26) *tsay "blood" < * H2tsoy-

Interior Salish (p.161) *tsiH "red" < * H2tsik-


2. Bone 

PIE has *Host "bone", and variant *kHost-.

General Salish (p.90) *q?awał "bone" < *kH3od-

It works if the -s- in *kHost is from *d.

H3 is reflected as ?_w here.

Cf. General Salish (p.16)  *?ił = PIE *Hed "to eat"


3. To die 

General Salish (p.129) has *Hway "die, kill" < *gwol

Cf. PIE *gwel


4. Dog 

The Standard PIE reconstruction (which I contest) is *kuon.

General Salish (p.85) has *(s-)qaHa? < *(s)koho-


5. Ear

6. Egg

7. Eye 

Ø or no word reconstructed.


8. Fire 

Interior Salish (p.179) has *p?e& "(forest) to burn" < *pe&-

Cf. PIE *puH2-r "fire"

The Salish root is a verb.


9. Fish 

Words for fish are of Uralic (Samoyedic) origin.


10. Full

11. Give

12. Hand 

Ø or no word reconstructed.


13. Horn 

PIE has *ker-(H2) "horn".

Coast Salish (p.155) *Ha?liw "horn spoon" < *kor?-


14. I  Not taken into account.


15. To know 

General Salish (p.155) *suxw "to know" < *sekw

Cf. PIE skiH in Latin scîô "to know".

Somewhat dubious.


16. Louse 



17. Moon 

PIE *luks-nâ.

Coast Salish : tl?eqš "month"

PIE is decayed from *tl?uk?-s > luks-


18. Name 

PIE *H1neH3-m "name".

General Salish (p18)*?umat "name".

Salish does not have the -n- infix in this word.

General Salish (p18)*?inwa "to say something" < H1enH3o.


19. New 

No reconstruction.


20. Nose 

PIE *H2neH-s "nose".

General Salish (p.71) *nis "to blow one's nose" < *neH-s


21. One

22. Salt 

Certainly not stable and simple words.


23. Stone 

Celtic *men "stone"

Latin *mons "mountain"

Coast Salish (p.145) (s-)man < *mon


General Salish (p.118) *s-xanx < *skon-

Cf. Latin saxum "stone"


24. Sun

25. Tail 

No reconstruction.

General Salish (p.87) *q?i-lt / *q?iyt "sky, daylight".

Cf. English sky and Latin caelum.


26. This Not taken into account.

27. Thou Not taken into account.


28. Tongue 

PIE *dngwâ

General Salish (p.107) *tixwts" tongue" < *t?egw-

No infix -n- in Salish.

Original *t? > t. Phonotactic *t-*? > ts.


29. Tooth 

PIE has a lexical innovation : eater H1ed-ont-

Some Salish languages displays the old word *tsen "tooth".

Cf. Semitic *ts_n "tooth" in Arabic sin


30. Two 

PIE *dwô < *t?m?-o

Interior Salish (p.137) *tsam "two" < *t_?om?

Cf. Hebrew te?omi "twin".

Cf. Interior Salish (p.160) s-tsum "bull"

and PIE (s-)(t-)H2ew-ros "(young) bull"


31. Water 

PIE *akwâ.

General Salish (p.91) *qwu? or ?uqw

Salish displays interferences between *akwâ and H1egw "to drink".


32. What Not taken into account.

33 Who Not taken into account.


34. Wind 

PIE *H2enH1-m.

Coast Salish (p136) *?ałHan "wind direction"


35. Year 

No reconstruction.



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