Re: Point out the similarities between Iranian languages and Sanskri

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 53033
Date: 2008-02-14

At 12:09:47 AM on Thursday, February 14, 2008, kishore
patnaik wrote:

> Dear all,

> Driven by a pseudo historical site on the slaughter of
> Aryans on Proto Europeans, allegedly peaceful agrarian
> society, I have looked up this page on wikipedia:


> The page compares numerals from various languages
> belonging to the Indo European group . In this page, I did
> not find the Indian equivalents of higher numerals like
> Lakhsa (hundred thousands), koti( ten millions) and Arabu.

Presumably because they're later creations.

> On the other hand, curiously, there are no pointers to
> Iranian languages.

Eh? Avestan cognates are given for all of the cardinal
numbers from *h1ói-no- through *(sm-)g^Héslo-. Persian
cognates are given for 1 (both), 2 - 20, 100, and 1000.
Ossetian cognates are given for 1 (*h1ói-no-), 2 - 8, 10,
and 100. What is true is that the only Iranian cognates
given for the ordinal numbers are for 'foremost, first'.
