> What about Mordvin low "snow" < *n_(gh)w ? (vowel unclear)
> And connection with Chinese *ning "to freeze, to congeal" ?
> Arnaud
> ================
Mordvin low < FU *lume - snow
Finnish / Estonian lumi
Mari lum
Komi lym
Hung. lom - frost (on branches)
Nenets jomzes' - snow (verb)
I know this.
I told you Proto-URalic reconstructions are bad.
(polite word)
Now I let you compare :
Mordvin low "snow" = PIE neighw = Chinese ning
Mordin kow "moon" = Yukaghir king(-bu)
The *lume thing is **** (the not polite word)
The right reconstruction is low < *ningu.
and kow is from *kingu