From: kishore patnaik
Message: 51485
Date: 2008-01-19
On Jan 18, 2008 9:06 PM, ualarauans <ualarauans@...> wrote:--- In, "kishore patnaik"
<kishorepatnaik09@...> wrote:
> That Mayan has been influenced by several constructive elements of
India are beyond doubt.
> The main road blockers for such a theory however are found more
general views, which would not trace the origins of many cultural
aspects to India , due to the differences in chronological patterns.
It's not only chronology. It's the language, religion, architecture,
economics, anthropology, DNA etc etc things which tell us that there
was as much as no Indic influence in pre-Columbus Americas.
Just tell me – do you still practice in India open heart surgery to
honor your gods as Mayas did?
> If the genealogical chronology found in Indian scriptures is
accepted at least partially, the western scholar would notice that
the Indian culture has to be necessarily dated much earlier to many
of the ancient civilization and hence, he would agree that the
cultural constructive elements such as writing, star gazing, fire,
wheel and several other essential aspects were originally
contributed by Indian culture.
So you suggest we believe in Indian scriptures first and then bring
all our science in accordance with them? Why not believe in the
Bible that the Earth and all are less than 7000 years old?
> When I say Indian culture, it only means what has been given in
the scriptures. For eg., the puranas describe that ancient flood
has occurred in Iran Irag areas. Hence, while I describe this as
Indian history, the geographical limit has to be extended.
Somewhere it is said that everytime Brahma goes to sleep the
universe is destroyed and everytime he awakes he creates it anew
(details may be wrong but it works more or less in this way). I'm
just wondering, is it Indian history, too?