> 4. "Blackbird": if Germanic *a- in *amVsla- was from a laryngeal,
> it would be rather strange since Germanic, as a rule, has not
> preserved initial laryngeals as vowels. But if the word is Semitic,
> and *a- was the article, which are its cognates in known Semitic
> languages?
> A.F
> *a being the article is not the only possibility.
> You have the Form IV in verbs that allow C_C_C to become ?_C_C_C.
> This can be something like that in PIE waiting to be described
> properly
from Möller: Vergleichende Indogermanisch-semitisches Wörterbuch
oms- 'dunkel' (< voridg. intr. Y.ámas-, = 4)om- + s-) in
lat. umbra 'Schatten' (mbr < msr),
ahd. amsala ags. o:sle 'Amsel'
[= idg. m-s- (< voridg. Y.amás-) in lat. merula 'Amsel']
= semit. Y.-m-s-,
arab. Perf. intr. Y.amisa, Y.amusa 'obscurus fuit (dies)',
s. 4)om-.
Oder lat. umbra aus der Wechselform
idg. *omdhra:- mit idg. dhr < voridg. S.r (s. S. 11 Note)?
(Die entsprechende Möglichkeit liegt bei andern lateinischen br
gegenüber sonstigem idg. s + r vor.)
Oder umbra < idg. *ondhra:- von ondh- (S. 186, < *omdh- < voridg.
Y.-m-T.- )?
4*om- 'dunkel sein, die Augen schließen, blind sein'
(< voridg.-semit. Y.-m-),
+ s- idg. oms-, m-s- 'schwarz sein' (s. d.) in
ahd. amsala, lat. merula 'Amsel';
+ l- idg. m-l- in gr. mélas 'schwarz',
+ g- (< vor-idg. G.-) am-lg- in gr. (`en nuktòs) `amolgo.:~ (a-
Reduktion des urspr. o);
+ r- + g- : k- (< voridg. G.- : g-) in
an. myrkr as. mirki 'finster' :
sanskr. marká- m. 'Verfinsterung (der Sonne)',
abulg. mra:kU 'Finsternis', mrIca:ti: 'dunkel werden',
serb. mrk 'schwarz'
+ y- idg. m-y- 'die Augen schließen', s. 3m-y-
(auch dän. misse 'blinzeln', norw. myse 'die Augen zusammendrücken'
werden aus Erweiterungen unsers 4om- hervorgegangen sein);
+ dh- idg. *omdh-> ondh- (s. d.),
sanskr. andhá- 'dunkel, blind';
= semit. * Y.-m-,
einfach redupl. neuhebr. 3a:mam und Pi. 'dunkel werden',
Pi. und Hithp. 'verdunkeln',
jüd.-aram. 3amam Ithpe. 'dunkel werden';
+ s- arab. intr. Y.amisa, Y.amusa 'obscurus fuit (dies)'
== idg. oms-, s. d.;
+ t.- = idg. ondh-, s. d.;
+ s^´- : s.-
(< vorsemit. k^- : K.^-,
urspr. semit. intr. Y.ámis^´-, trans. Y.amás.-),
arab. intr. Y.amis^a 'he was weak in sight' :
syr. 3emas. (nicht = arab. 3-m-d.- mit 3) 'clausit (oculos suos)',
Pa. 'clausit (oculos alicujus)',
3emis.uTå: 'lippitudo', 3am(m)us.uTå: 'clausio (oculorum)' und
Pa. 3ammes. 'occaecavit', Ethpa. 'occaecatus est',
neuhebr. Pi. '(die Augen) zudrücken',
jüd.-aram. 3amas. dass.;
+ y- (= idg. 3m-y-, s. d.)
jüd.-aram. 3ama: 'dunkel sein', 3amya: 'Dunkelheit',
arab. Y.amiya 'it was obscure, he was (became) blind', Y.amin 'blind'.
Orël & Stolbova: Hamito-Semitic Etymological Dictionary
38 *`amas- "darkness, evening"
Semitic *`ams^- "night"1, "evening"2:
Akkadian mu:s^u1, Hbr `emes 2, Arab `ams- 2.
Cf. also
Akkadian ams^ali "yesterday",
Harsusi yems^i id.,
Mehri yems^i id.
Central Chadic *mVs- "shadow": Gudu m&s^ü. From *`VmVs-.
Bed amas "late evening".
Borrowing from Semitic?
Rift *`amas- "middle of the night"1, "tomorrow" 2:
Iraqw &msi 1,
Gorowa amsi 1,
Alagwa amasi 1,
Burunge amasi 1,
Kwadza amasiya 2.
Borrowing from Semitic?