Re: b/m alternation in Thacian, Illyria and Abanian

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 50480
Date: 2007-11-08

At 6:46:04 PM on Wednesday, November 7, 2007, alexandru_mg3


> 3. mB is not m+b : the mB cluster forms one unit of sound
> (for this reason I used B as for 'our' W and H in kW gH)

> As I know mB is not recognize as a distinct IPA sound (I
> don't know why): can somebody here to confirm or infirm
> this?

This is correct: IPA does not recognize prenasalized stops
as single segments. Some writers have used a notation like


with the nasal symbol as a superscript preceding the stop
symbol. (Use a monospaced font.) The symbol that we'd
write <mB>, <m> with superscript <b> following it, has been
used for a different sound, a so-called stopped nasal.
