Re: Hat

From: stlatos
Message: 50301
Date: 2007-10-16

--- In, "tgpedersen" <tgpedersen@...> wrote:
> > > But PIE dental + dental > PGerm. -ss- too, without exception
> >
> > Not at all. I gave a long list of words with T+t > st after r()
> > and other conditions fairly recently.
> Where?

A long discussion, including this:

Here's a summary for easy reading. Some examples are more certain
than others, as discussed in that thread. Many apply to Latin and
other languages, too, also discussed more in that thread. Some use
the standard PIE reconstructions for convenience even when I've said I
derive them otherwise; some have no certain origin but are included to
have all possibilities I've mentioned put together.

original s+t had become s.+t (so no met.) and secondary s+t from:

T+t > s+t / T+d() > z+d() unless:

1. a.
after a fricative if x,tt remained:

*kx,dhtu+s > *xattu+z

and if tt didn't become a interdental
fric. gemin. later, depending on the rules

s+t > t+s (then > ss later) unless:

2. a.
before a fricative if stx remained:

> --- Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:

> > (2) 2sg. pret. & pret.-pres.:
> >
> > *waist(a) < *woid-th2a
> > *warst(a) < *(we-)wort-th2a
> >
> > etc.
> >
> > This is in all likelihood analogical

So this may not analogical after all.

2. b.
before r:

> --- Piotr Gasiorowski <gpiotr@...> wrote:

> > (1) As far as I can see, *-t-tro- yields Gmc.
> > *-stra-, which is
> > reminiscent of the Latin treatment of the same
> > sequence:
> >
> > *Blo:stra- 'offering' from *Blo:t-a/i- '(kill for a)
> > sacrifice'
> > *Gelstra- 'tax' from *GelD-a/i- 'yield, pay'

2. c.
after r (V) (where T+t > s+t > s.+t):

*karttis > *kar_tis> *kra_tis > L cra:tis
*kr,ttís > *kr,stís > *xurstiz > OE hyrst

*xYrudhro+to+s > *xYrurdhtos > *rurstaz > OE rúst

*vreit+ 'bend forward, roll', *vriittis > wríst

*gWhrendh+ti+ > *gWrinsti+ > OE gríst 'grinding'

*prix+ > friþ 'peace', >> frist-/first 'truce, etc.'

*drou+dhxY,t()+ 'putting trust/confidence in' > ON traust

*trud+ 'shove' >> ON þrysta

*vert+ 'turn' >>
*vrtti+ > *wursti+ > OE cne:owwyrst(e) 'knee-joint'

Goth raþjo: 'number', rasta 'measure of distance'

Goth hro:t 'roof', OE hro:st 'roost, perch'

wræ:stan 'twist, wrest'

þri:etan 'press, force', þri:ste 'daring, bold'

OE þríst

2. d.
after K or KL (V) or KVi (where T+t > s+t > s.+t):

*pn:kWtti+ > fy:st

*xaidhtu+ > OE a:st 'kiln', Latin aestus 'fire, heat'

ci:dan, ce:ast 'quarrel, strife'

hladan 'heap up, etc.', *xlasti+ > hlæst 'load, burden'

hni:tan, gehnæ:st 'conflict, battle'

gni:dan 'rub', fy:rgna:st 'spark of fire'

wæ:dl 'barrenness', we:ste 'barren, waste'

2. e.
after P (or some combo?; some N?; opt?):

*dm, + ped+ >> Greek dapedon
*dm,ptti+? 'floor, yard' > *tumsti+ > ON toft

*bhondh-xY-to+? 'binding (place), stall' > Goth bansts 'barn', ON báss

hæ:st 'violent', Goth haifsts 'quarrel'

nett, nestan 'spin'

I think that besides s>s. after r. there was s>s. if followed by
KT>KT. and maybe KVi as:

*kaldhto+ > *kladhto+, etc.

kladhto+ .. ghnaidhto+ .. gaidhto+
klatto+ ... ghnaitto+ ... gaitto+
klasto+ ... ghnaisto+ ... gaisto+
kl.asto+ .. ghn.aisto+ .. gaisto+ . . gaisto+ . .

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