bask r and l

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 49767
Date: 2007-09-02

It is Vennemann's contention that Proto-Vasconic did
once have initial clusters and that eg. *sCV- > zV-
What examples can you give ?
> A conspicuous feature of Bask, also visible in Etruscan,
> is
that PIE *l and *r are reflected as [s] written -z- in Bask.
> Example
> Lip < *lap? = Bask ezp-ain < *zap-in
> hence zango is in
fact the same as leg and Greek laks.

Where did that come from?
I suppose the lateral [l] and vibrant [r]
gradually became lateral fricative[lsh],
the lateral component was lost,
the fricative feature  became prevalent
and finally merged with s. 
This process made room for *(n)d > Bask l
and *(n)t? > r
The basic comparative rule is simple :
Bask l or r can never correspond to l or r in PIE.
Any similarity points immediately toward borrowing.