Northern FRance Hydronyms

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 49651
Date: 2007-08-26

Here is a tentative approach
to Hydronyms in Northern FRance
Some data to feed this Belgian / Gaulish Dichotomy :
Remarks and Improvements are welcome.


Overall length form Source down to the Sea or Confluence


I categorize hydronyms into five groups :

- Paleo-European : mainly *ar "water, river"

- Pre-celtic : recognizable to *d > l,

- Gaulish : standard P-celt

- Saxon : Germanic names that have Saxon features

- Germanic : Germanic but non obviously Saxon names




L(a)'Authie (90 km) : (AD 636) alteia < Pre-Celtic *Hwad-teya "water"


La Canche (88 km) : < Gaulish *kant-ja "the bright river"

Affluents of La Canche :

La Ternoise (41 km) : tarwann < Gaulish *tarwo-odna "the water of the bull"

La Course (23 km) : Unclear : Possibly Latin "curr-" "running water"

La Créquoise (15 km) : Gallo-Germanic *kers-acium


La Liane (34 km) : (IX) elna < Pre-Celtic *Hwed-na "water"


Le Wimereux (22 km) : (AD 1305) Wimerrewe < Saxon *wit-meer-ahwe

La Belle : < Gaulish *bala "the bright river"


La Slack (20 km) : Germanic name

Le Basinghem : Saxon name : Basinga-haim


L(a)'Aa (50km) : Germanic name *ahwe

Previous names :

Upstream : Agnona (AD 678) : Unclear : Possibly Gaulish *Hok-odna "fast water"

Downstream : Enna (AD 1178) : Pre-Celtic *Hwed-na "water"


L(e)'Hogneau : Gaulish *Hok-odna "fast water"

L(a)'Honnelle : Gaulish *Hok-odna "fast water"

L(a)'Aunelle (26 km) : Gaulish *Hok-odna "fast water"


Affluents of the Somme river.

L(a)'Airaines (13 km) : Paleo-European *ar "water, river"

L(e)'Avre (66 km) : Gaulish *akwa "water"

La Noye (Affluent of l'Avre) (33 km) : *niwialho < Probably Germanic

La Cologne (23 km) : Gaulish *cal-odn-ya "stony water"

Les Evoissons (255 km) : Possibly Germanic Compound *Ewo-

L'Hallue (16 km) : Probably Germanic

La Nièvre (22 km) : *niwialho < Probably Germanic

L'Omignon (29 km)


La Clarence (29 km) : Calonna < Gaulish *cal-odna "stony water"


La Scarpe (22 km) : Unclear (Often held to be Celtic)

Affluent : Le Crinchon (15 km) : Crientione : Unclear

Ending might be from Gaulish *odn-, Root is not analysable.

Le Gy : (1421) Wisy : Probably Paleo-European : Cf. Wis-ar-na


L'Escaut (430 km) : scaldi < Possibly Gaulish *s-gal-di < *valley river

(Cf. English gill)

Affluents of Escaut River.

L(e)'Ecaillon : Possibly Gaulish *skal-odn-

L(e)'Erclin (34 km) : Unclear : *ar + skl + in-

Le Rhonelle (29 km) : Gaulish *reu-dhon-alos "flowing river"

La Selle (46 km) : Sabis / Sewa : Unclear (Most Probably Paleo-European)



La Sambre : Gaulish *Sam-ara "calm river"

Affluent :

L'Helpe (50 km) : (AD 670) Helpre : looks like Germanic but Unclear.

La Solre (24 km) : Unknown.


La Lys (42 km) : lewya < Gaulish "slimy river"

Affluent :

La Lawe (29 km) : Variant of *lewya


Affluent of Bresle River :

La Liger (13 km) : < Gaulish *lei-gâ "slimy muddy river"

La Vimeuse (16 km) : Probably Germanic.

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