> > Germanischer Ursprung, an den auch gedacht worden ist,
> >ist schon daher unwahrscheinlich, weil die Wörter erst nach
> >der zweiten Lautverschiebung ins Hochdeutsche gekommen sind."
> >Grave games? Tomb on tamped earth?
> Gestampft. :-) (cf. pavimentum & pamânt? :))
Paul Manansala
More on Loreto's _obul_ "cowrie".
First, Lopez's variation on *hipar is *hi(m)pa/r/.
With that in mind:
*(m)polo "the other side of a river" Proto-East-Oceanic
*mpule "cowrie" Proto-Oceanic
And to show the importance of the "other side" there is another
suggested PAN word:
*tambang "opposite side of a river, to cross over" PAN (Dempwolff)
Compare this with the earlier "mound, heap" words:
*tambak "mound" PAN
*ta(m)bun "heap, pile" PAN
"other side" ?= "wrong side" (cf. Da vrang "reverse side") ->
"clumsy, stupid"?
or perhaps here's a better explanation
Ross, here is what Joh. Warneck's "Toba-Batak -- Deutsches Woerterbuch"
Tambang - breit, quer, hinderlich
i.e. 'wide, transverse (athwart), obstructive'
Dempwolff originally cited
TB tambang - Querlegen
which means 'to place onself in a transverse position, to lie
athwart', i.e. it indeed means 'to lie across', but not in the sense
of a bridge, but in that of an obstruction that lies in someone's or
something's way. With regard to water, it would refer to a dam that
holds up the water flow.
The MP protoform is glossed by Dempwolff as:
Seite, Gegenseite, Querseite
i.e. 'side, opposite side, transverse side', there is no direct
or indirect reference to a shore (German _Ufer_) or the side that
lies aross something (German: _gegenueber[liegend]_).