Re: RE : [tied] Re: Ariovistus was not an "Aryan"

From: Piotr Gasiorowski
Message: 48800
Date: 2007-05-30

On 2007-05-30 21:41, stlatos wrote:

> Some words do have -st-; the order was probably tt>st>ts>ss. Some
> words didn't have metathesis, or the order was restored at some
> morpheme boundaries.


*wid-tó- in particular, became *wissa- (Goth un-wiss, OE ge-wiss).
Further, we have e.g.:

*gWet-ti- > *kwissi- 'utterance' (Goth -qiss, OE -cwiss, cf. *kWeþ/ð-

*sed-to- > *sessa- 'seat' (OE sess).

And, with the simplification of the geminate to *-s- in overheavy syllables,

*pn.t(h2)-tó- > *funssa- > *funsa- 'ready to go' (OHG funs, OE fu:s, cf.
*finþ/ð- 'find');

*kaid-ti- > *xaissi- > *xaisi- 'call, command' (OE hæ:s, cf. *xait- 'call');

*koN-dH(h1)-tah2 'assembly' > *xanssa- > *xansa- 'company, band' (Goth.,
OHG hansa, OE ho:s).

I'm not aware of any -ss-/-st- variation.
