*-unya ?

From: tgpedersen
Message: 48624
Date: 2007-05-17

> The name of Hercynia probably reflects something
> like *perku-h3n-ih2 (if it's a Hoffmann compound), and at any rate
> its delabialised *k doesn't alternate with *kW, so an initial *kW
> could not be introduced as in the dendronym. Note that the
> Celtiberian tribal name Querquetani _has_ initial /kW/ as expected!

Are you sure that where stem and suffix should be divided?

I was wondering whether Latin bustum/ustum "burned, wasted" and u:r- <
*u:s- "burn" (cognates of the sense "burn" in Gk. and Skt.) had to do
with the West European *was-/*wos- root
if the root *was-/*wos- was loaned into Latin, that would explain the
odd bu-/u- alternation traditionally ascribed to false division of
