Re: Latin is a q-Dialect having p- from kW , PIE is similar

From: tgpedersen
Message: 48621
Date: 2007-05-17

> > OK, but this means abandoning the idea of *pémpe as a late IE (but
> > Pre-Italic and Pre-Celtic) thing. We're back to independent
> > branch-specific scenarios, whatever they are.
> Not. Proto-Celtic happens in III. Draw a line before that and call
> it NWEuropean IE.
> BTW here is the NWBlock version of IE *penkWe:
> The true-(West)Germanic fist/Faust has u too.

Lithuanian kùmste:, kùms^te: 'fist' shows *p-kW- > *kW-kW- isn't
limited to Italo-Celtic (but sporadic, at least, in Balto-Slavic).
