Re: Rom. fost

From: tolgs001
Message: 48500
Date: 2007-05-09

>>and can't be newly
>>constructed from Latin fu-; the -st- points to a language
>>with -dh + t- > -st-, where Latin (Germanic, Celtic)
>>has > -ss-.
>It's quite obviously the preterite stem <fus-> plus the normal
>past participle suffix <-t->, just like <fãcu> 'he did' :
><fãcut> 'done'.

Romanian has two variants of this tense, which is called
the simple perfect:

(1) fui, fu$i, fu, fùrãm, fùrãtzi, fùrã
(2) fuséi, fusé$i, fùse, fùserãm, fùserãtzi, fùserã

The past perfect tense:
fusésem, fusése$i, fusése, fuséserãm, fuséserãtzi, fuséserã
(regional: fusásãm, fusásã$i, fusásã, fusásãrãm, fusásãrãtzi, fusásãrã)
The imperfect tense: erám, erái, erá, erám, erátzi, eráu)

Can't fost be compared with the Italian historic past tense
and the subjunctive? fui, fosti, fu, fummo, foste, furono.
And Sicilian preterite fusti & fùstivu? Portuguese foste &

Foste/fosti are also continuations of the Latin forms: fui,
fuisti, fuit, fuimus, fuistis, fuerunt.
