Hekto:r etymology
From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 48162
Date: 2007-04-01
Seems that Hekto:r etymology is an IE one :
The -to:r termination belongs to *-ter PIE suffix, representing an IE
suffix forming agent nouns from the verb stem
Regarding Hek- this was put in link with Greek ekhein 'to hold' < PIE
*seg^H- 'to hold, to possess, to conquer'
But as I know, Hekto:r was Trojan not Greek, so why we need to
consider his name having a Greek origin?
Argument Against a Greek Etymology:
1. - If the Trojans were IE-peoples, to derive Hekto:r from another
root is not impossible
2. - Priam and Hecuba seems to be Non-Greek Names (not to talk
about Paris)
3. - there are no cases in the ancient (Decebalus) or today history
(Sadam Hussein) where the original names are changed (there are
misspellings for sure, but no changes)
A greek etymology will raise also the following question:
a) Why we have this mixture of Greek and 'Trojans' names for Trojans
at Homer: do we need to consider a Greek influence in that areal or
at least, a ruler Trojan Family having Greek members?
b) because to consider that Homer invented all that names, or
changed 'half of them' will not be a good thing...
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