Re: [tied] Germanic Outcome of *H

From: Sean Whalen
Message: 47869
Date: 2007-03-15

--- Sean Whalen <stlatos@...> wrote:

> Examples:
> kYe_r.x,fr.ó+ fkàrxW,pistó+ xàrxW,tró+
> kYe_r.x,fr.ó+ fkàrx,pistó+ xàrxW,tró+
> kYe_r.x,r.ó+ kàrx,pistó+ xàrxW,tró+
> kYe_r.ur.ó+ kàrupistó+ xàrxW,tró+
> kYe_r.ud.ó+ kàrupistó+ xàrxW,tró+
> kYe_r.ud.o+ kàrupisto+ xàrxW,tro+
> kYe_r.ud.o+ kàrupisto+ xàrx,tro+
> kYe_r.ud.o+ kàrupisto+ xàrtro+
> kYér.ud.o+ kárupisto+ xártro+
> etc
> xYír.ut.a+ xárubista+ árþra+
> hiruz OHG hærfest OE arðr ON
> 'deer' 'harvest time' 'plow'

After further consideration I'm removing "hiruz"
from the examples. I don't believe it's actually an
example of x, > u as it appears (and as claimed by
Lehmann). It seems that in PIE there was optional

kY(e)_r.-x-fr.ó+ / kY(e)_r.-xf-r.ó+

and in a syllable x,f > u already in PIE with this
form coming to be applied specifically as 'stag'.

Germanic dissimilates r.-r. > r.-d. and Latin,
Celtic, Baltic (and Greek and Indic in related words)
dissimilate r.-r. > r.-0 (with u>w before a vowel).

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